Just Keep Running.

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Requested by Annywithanyy

The members were at the end of their world tour. They were currently in Japan, which was their last stop before heading back home. The tour had been great so far and they could see that they had gained more and more fans over the course of the last few months. While in Japan they wanted to spend time not just performing but also exploring around the area and sightseeing. The group decided to go out and walk around the city for a few hours, grab some food, go shopping, whatever they felt like doing.

Taehyung and Jungkook, being the adventurous maknae's that they were, decided to venture off from the group to go explore on their own for a bit. They snuck off from the group when the rest weren't paying attention and found themselves at a park.

"Look at the pretty trees hyung!" Jungkook motioned to the trees that were in full bloom all around them as they walked along a boardwalk path.

"Wooooooooahh! We should move here!" Taehyung chuckled.

"Into the park?" Jungkook asked confused. Taehyung started laughing. He meant move to Japan. He grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and squeezed it, "Wherever you want to go, Kook-ah."

Not even 10 minutes later Taehyung and Jungkook both had a text from Jimin asking where they were. They said they were walking around a park and would meet up with them all later.

"Don't be too long," Jimin had replied. They both sent back the thumbs up emoji.

While walking along the path, another man walking by grabbed their attention. To the boys surprise, the man spoke Korean.

"There's a cool pond if you go back the other way, I can show you two," the man said. Taehyung and Jungkook both got excited and said sure. As they were walking along the path the man grabbed both of them by one arm and started leading them forward. They both felt uncomfortable considering they could clearly walk without the assistance. Jungkook looked to Taehyung with a slightly nervous glance. Taehyung tried to break free of the mans grip, "Let go of us. We can walk."

The man wasn't letting either of them go. They both started to get fidgety and kept trying to break free from the mans grip but it only kept getting stronger. They both looked around and realized nobody else was even in the park, so yelling for help would be useless. Taehyung decided to stick his foot out in front of the man as he was dragging them, and it sent all three of them falling to the ground. Unfortunately for the two youngest, both of their phones shattered and broke on the ground at the impact of the fall.

"Ah! You asshole!" The man screamed. He tried grabbing Taehyung again but before he could Taehyung was already on his feet and grabbing Jungkook dragging him away. The man got up and started chasing them.

"What the hell is he doing?!" Jungkook cried to Taehyung as they ran.

"I don't know but just keep running!" Taehyung yelled back. Both of them were filled with fear. They could feel their hearts pounding out of their chests. They had no idea who this guy was or what the hell he wanted. They needed to make it back to their hyungs, or their hotel, or just somewhere with people. While they were running two other men suddenly came running at them out of nowhere and grabbed each of them.

"No!" Taehyung screamed as he was snatched and lifted into the air, "Get off of me!"

Jungkook was kicking and screaming trying to get out of the other mans grip, "Let us go!" he cried. Tears were pouring down his cheeks. They now had all three men grabbing and carrying them to a blacked out SUV. They tried fighting tooth and nail but couldn't escape the men. They were quickly thrown into the trunk of the SUV and the men used ropes to tie their wrists to the bottom of the seats so they couldn't escape.

Just Keep Running [Taekook Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now