christmas hangout

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Saikis pov:
'Im currently walking with two dumbasses, Kaidou and Nendo to be exact. There both arguing and talking total nonsense to eachother, good grief..

I started walking to our classroom but unfortunately they followed me. i wish they would leave me alone for once.. i took a seat at my desk and Kaidou and Nendo surrounded me.

More people started walking into the classroom, including teruhashi. The 'perfect pretty girl' she comes up to me, what a suprise.. now i have 3 dumbasses surrounding me!

"HAHH!- oh.. its just you teruhashi! I thought you were the dark reunion trying to ambush me from behind!" Kaidou exclaimed while turning around to look at teruhashi.

I read teruhashis mind and she was usual she didnt show it because shes 'perfect and pretty'.

Teruhashis mind:
'Me?! Dark reunion? Im not some childrens play! How dare he mistake me for some weird fantasy!!' "Ahem.. ahah! Your so funny kaidou!" She said, trying to not show her anger.

*bell rings*

"It seems the alarm of dark reunion has went off! Everyone, i must flee. BYE SAIKI!" Kaidou exclaimed while running off to his seat, not sure why he specifically said bye to me but eh.
everyone else walked to their desks and sat down right before our teacher walked in.

After school: (im lazy)

Saikis pov:
'Finally school finished.. i can go home and sleep now.' I thought to myself while getting out of my seat, just to feel a hand on my shoulder, making me jump slightly. I put on my ring in class because the telepathy was annoying me so i didnt know.

I turned around to see Kaidou, "hey Saiki! Why are you so jumpy?" He asked, " reason." I replied quitely while taking off my ring.

"So..what are you doing for christmas?" Kaidou asked, and i shrugged my shoulders. "If your not doing anything, wanna hang out?" He said.

"No, im staying home to sleep." I replied, "What? Thats so boring! if you come you coffee jelly!" Kaidou exclaimed, trying to bribe me. But of course im not dumb, who would do something for coffee jelly..

I would, so i nodded my head. Making him smile at me brightly, ive never realised before.. but his smile was so pret- what the fuck am i thinking..

"WOOO!! OPERATION CHRISTMAS HANGOUT GO!" Kaidou screamed with excitement.

"Shut up or ill ditch you." I replied, being jokingly mean to kaidou. "Stop being so mean, you tsundere! He answered. Me? A tsundere?? No way he just called me that!

"No way am i a tsundere!" I replied, quite loudly than normal by accident. "Well, atleast a kuudere." Kaidou said while looking shocked but at the same time happy, "Ive never seen you get so worked up before." Kaidou said while smiling at me.

"But anyways, I have to go now. See you on christmas, Saiki!" Kaidou exclaimed while running off.

Well that was embarrassing..why'd i get so worked up from that?? Ughh.. i need sleep right now.

*a few days later* (on christmas day)

Saikis pov:
I woke up to some loud racket downstairs, it sounded like singing? Probably my mom and dad being total idiots like every year.

holiday love [saiki x kaidou]Where stories live. Discover now