Your Partner

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Wow, babe. I don't know how to say this, but...the clothes you were wearing earlier...they've gotten really tight. You're bursting out of it. And it's not just that one. I'm you can barely button any of your pants around your's just that...

Take off your shirt and let me see. Wow. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but have you really not noticed how big you're getting? Because you're getting pretty tubby. I mean what is this? Look, your gut is spilling over your waistband and your button is barely hanging on. I can poke my finger into your soft gut by inches. It didn't used to do that, but lately you've been getting so soft in the middle. And watch jiggle all the way around.

And it's not just your round belly. Take off those pants so I can look at your thighs. I bet that's better. You're really much too big for them. Look at your belly hang there. I can't even see your underwear. Just a big ball of fat. And, man, your thighs look like pillows, fat all around. Even your knees are getting chubby. Lots of jiggle here, too. Watch what happens when I smack your big fat ass. You jiggle all the way down. That ass is covered in cellulite. You're so wobbly and bumpy.

I'd say you should consider a diet, but you're so fat already it would take years to slim down to a normal weight. You're probably going to keep getting bigger and rounder. Every time you eat, you stuff yourself until you can barely breathe. Honestly, I can't believe how much you eat, except I can see the results right here is this big fat gut. Look, I can lift it with two hands because it hangs down so much. What a fat gut.

What will people say when they see you again? People will be shocked at how much you've
let yourself go. How much have you gained anyway? Thirty pounds? Forty? I can tell it's a lot by the way you're bursting out of all your clothes. It's like you haven't even noticed that you are turning into a big round butterball. I can't believe how fat you've let yourself get.

I bet you're hungry. Better squeeze yourself back into those clothes so I can take you to feed, you pig. I guess we'll go to the all you can eat buffet because it's going to take a lot to satisfy a big pig like you. People are going to start to stare with they see your gut hanging out and you start waddling your way to seconds, thirds, fourths... that's not even counting dessert. Come on, fatty. Let's see if you can keep yourself from getting so stuffed you can't get out of the booth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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