Beep,beep,beep. The pink alarm clock that sits in my white bed stand beep's away I reach my hand over and push snooze once again . Then three minutes later it goes off . I push myself to wake up I blink my eyes once, twice, three times until I wake up. I pull my green and purple quilt off of me and the cool Brees of my house hits my warm skin as I walk over to my kitchen and see the the birds chirping away singing there beautiful songs. Then out of the middle of no where the door bell rings. I slowly walk over to the door and swing it open. A man with a mail bag and deep eyes that could take me a mile away stands in my presents. I just stand there. He started to speek but I cut him off "Can I help you?" I said with rudeness "um is this 2978 north oak street?"he said with a little crack in his voice "yes and whom would you like to speek to." I know that I should be a little nicer to him but nobody should be ringing my door bell at 6:45 am. He looks me in the eye and I look back he quickly look back at my wooden porch with the green pait chipped to almost nothing. I shake my head waiting for a response. "Um hello I'm waiting" "oh ,oh ya sorry I kinda dozed off " he said quickly and with no emotion. I didn't want to scar him away like all the other people. So I just kept standing there. He finally spoke up and said,"well um I am a mail man and I have a package for you isn't that clear?" "No!" I shouted with rage in my eyes "it wasn't clear" I go on.
Why do some people have to be stuck up I was trying to be nice to him and he has to be stuck up. A small cough breaks me from my thought he is still here. I look at him and give him my rudest smile ever and stomp away like a snob.