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AFTER WITNESSING JUGYEONGS WEIRD BEHAVIOR, Iris found herself eventually heading back to the mall and buying the tint she had originally came for, along with a birthday cake from a nearby pastry shop. Although it was slightly early, she wanted to be prepared, since in a few hours it would be Suhos birthday.

Although he wasn't one to celebrate birthdays, every year it was a tradition for Iris to buy him a cake and celebrate with him at midnight and then give him his gift the day after.

It all started back when Iris was over at his house one day for studying and accidentally lost track of time. When she realized it was midnight and already his birthday, she gave him the only thing she had at the moment and that was a little cupcake.

She then gave him his gift the day after, and since then decided to give him a cake at midnight and a gift the day after. It had always been that way and this year, she would make sure the tradition wouldn't change.

Iris had been preparing for this for weeks. She had even spent a lot of time and money on finding and buying the gift she was getting for him, so she only hoped that he would like it because even a slight smile from him would be enough for her.

Iris smiled to herself as she rounded the corner with the box of cake in her arms, consumed in her thoughts about what was to come, and completely unaware of her surroundings, more specifically of the motorcycle that was speeding her way. However, she was snapped back to reality when she heard the sound of a loud engine suddenly fill the air. As she turned her head, she saw a bright light engulf her vision and after that everything happened so fast.

To prevent the motorcycle that was heading her way from hitting her she attempted to run to the side. However in the heat of the moment she somehow twisted her right leg causing her to lose her balance and fall over, injuring herself as well as dropping the cake that was just in her hands in the process.

Iris groaned as she lifted her head and tried to understand what had just happened. When she felt a throbbing pain suddenly engulf both her knees, it finally came to her and she turned her head, where she saw a guy wearing black attire laying on the ground with a motorcycle next to him.

Iris frantically got up with widened eyes, ignoring the throbbing pain and she went towards the guy, hovering over him with a look of panic, "Excuse me. Are you okay?" she asked hoping that her worst nightmare hadn't came true and that she hadn't just accidentally killed someone.

When Iris didn't hear a response, she began to internally panick, "Oh my god! I killed him, didn't I?" she said as she ran a hand through her now frizzed hair.

Just as she was about to call the ambulance for help, the guy that was laying down slowly sat up and turned his head towards her, taking off his helmet to get a better look at the person before him.

This took Iris off guard and she paused what she was doing to stare at the guy before her in surprise. As she stared at the boys face, a look of recognition came and she suddenly no longer felt bad or panicked that she had injured someone, given who that someone was.

Iris glared at the boys figure, ready to tell him off. However before she could, he stared at something or rather someone behind her with a panicked look and without warning, threw the helmet in his hands at Iris without warning, before getting up and dashing down the streets.

Iris furrowed her brows at his behaviour and turned her head at the direction he had ran towards, but she saw that he had already disappeared down the alleyway.

She scoffed at this and as she glanced towards her now scraped knees she couldn't help but feel angry.

He still rode that stupid bike around?

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐃, true beauty Where stories live. Discover now