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. . • ☆ . ° .• ✧°:. *₊ ✩° ・゚. ☆

The Forbidden Forest loomed around her like a labyrinth knitted together, perfectly meant to keep outsiders like Hayden on the edge of its tree line. It was like a never-ending maze with narrow patches and passageways in between each tree branch that could have appeared as impenetrable, but Hayden knew its inhabitants had learned every pathway as well as Hayden knew the criss-crossing lines on the inside of her palm. The forest had been rumored by the citizens of Seabrook to be a mythical power in itself, a dense and dark wilderness of mystery that almost left Hayden intrigued.

A twig snapped and Hayden glanced at her feet to confirm the sound had not come from her own steps. She figured she would've been more comforted if it had sounded from beneath her; instead of behind her.

Except it hadn't come from her and the realization made the forbidden forest all the more intimidating, knowing something hid in its depths and shadows.

The hairs on her arms stood straight as a chill traveled down her spine and everything in Hayden wanted to mimic that behavior, to remain frozen in fear. She should have trusted the gut feeling that someone was watching her much earlier.

Hayden moved forward through the woods carefully, not to be too loud so she could hear whoever was in these woods. She could only hope it was her cousin, but fear kept her from calling out to even check.

As her mind scrambled, trying in various weak efforts to distract herself, to no success, Hayden began wondering why on earth she possibly thought this was a reasonable risk to take. Technically, she knew exactly why, as she's the one who put herself up to going after Addison, but still.

People always liked to agree that the two cousins were one and the same, that Hayden was actually Addison's sister instead of Bucky's because they were seen with so many similarities. So why wouldn't Hayden end up putting Addison's responsibility on her own shoulders as well? It seemed only fair.


There was definitely no turning back, though, not now. Hayden's mind had officially been made up, and there was no changing that. But that didn't make taking steps over the unruly roots of the forest floor as she kept creeping further into the woods, hear heart loud in her ears, any easier.

The thickets and glens of the forbidden forest seemed determined to keep Hayden from finding Addison's location. It was like it's features were knotting together into one dense mass of wilderness that seemed like it never wanted to let up. Like it was determined to hide it's secrets. It's as if it was deliberately holding to the testament claim that the forbidden forest was frightening. To which, with every step Hayden took, it seemed to become more and more true. Because the forest was, in fact, Seabrook's best secret-keeper, trapping the mysteries that wander into its depths, keeping it tucked away in its endless density of nature.

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧, zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now