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There are some memories Which we try to erase but we cannot ,
The loyality of the memories be judged by the loyality of that person,
Memories are something which are
Not meant to be erased 
But to be keep them forever,
These memories which we constantly try to erase to forget,
That those memories are printed with a permanent ink in our soul and that ink is our love that we hate !

By Keerthi



Hey Keerthi ! I love you , Damon confessed his love to me but i don't except this from him . I always thought him as a friend ! He is a good friend and i always want him as my friend.

My feelings for you was not like That damon ! You are my friend , I said My opinion about his confession.

Okay we are just in high school ! So I will wait and impress you and Will make you my girlfriend , he said and i laughed ! I know he Will never be serious in anything not even about love life . i am damn sure After 2 weeks he gonna forget this and move on

This is me ! Keerthi Sharma studying in Eastwood high school which is located in new Delhi . I was a simple  and topper girl of my high school. And i love my parents very much and i have two best friends namely Priya Shagar and Damon salvatore anddddd what else to say about me now..... Yeah i forgot to say about someone ! Stefan salvatore i have crush on him , i know he is Damon's brother between what's matter in That ! He is cool , handsome , especially i like him but Damon doesn't like him because he is his second mother's son however i think Stefan have the same interested on me which i have on him. Let me wait for the right time .


Me & my friend Priya Shagar left to near by stationary to buy something for our Project Work there i met Mr Stefan salvatore

Hey Keerthi , he called my name softly and i just adjusted my facial expressions and did a hair things and turn around and looked at him.

Hii Stefan , I said and he smiled softly

I Want to talk to you something very important , he said looking at my gaze Is he going to talk about Damon ? Or something else ! I nodded my head singled him to continued.

Look it May Look fast or so quick ! But i am honest about my feelings for you , he said but what feelings he is talking about ?

Feelings ? What feelings you have ? , I asked and he cluckled softly and looked at my gaze

I think i love you Keerthi ! A part of me always wanted to be with you , he said looking at My gaze , I can't escape from his eyeline this time

You are attractive ! I admired you so much from the start maybe this is the right time to confess you about my feelings ! What you think ? , he asked

Stefan Look I like you but I doesn't know that i love you or Maybe it's just a crush , I said

Okay take your own time and think ! Tomorrow is cultures right ! There i must be waiting for you , he said and i nodded

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