1.0 Chapter 8: The Seeker's ultimate victim

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Welcome back to an amazing chapter. As you know last chapter Kagami got Akumatized. Reasons why are unknown. So this chapter will be about Kagami and through her POV.


Kagami's POV

Mother always talks about lessons and how Adrien is doing. I don't think she realizes when a person says they broke up means they don't really stay in contact. Or whatever that is.

"Marinette invited me to a party at the boat, Mother." I said. Reading through a text from Marinette.
"Who?" Mother asks.
"The one who gave you croissants." I said.
"Oh! Her! She's weird. Stay alert around her." Mother says.
"She's my friend-"
"You have no friends in this world, Kagami!" She slammed the Kendo sword (the stick Tomoe uses as a walking stick) on the ground in anger.
"Yes, Mother." I said sadly.
"But you can go! Safely!" She said.
"Thank you!" I excalimed.
"What are you doing?" Mother asked.
My smile fell.
"Better be nothing."

I walked aimlessly back to my room and stumped I texted Marinette because I was bored. And Marinette said I could talk to her anytime.

Kagami - Marinette, how are you doing?

Kagami - My mother said yes to the party.

Then I got a notification saying to stay inside as there been another Akumatized victim.

Then I started texting a girl named Rose. Marinette's friend.

Kagami - Rose, how are you?

Kagami - Will you be at the party?

I sighed when ten minutes later I hadn't been answered.

Then Adrien's number clicked.

Adrien - Kagami...stay inside. There has been a Akumatized Victim.

Kagami - Adrien, I know. I will be.

Adrien - Good!

Kagami threw the phone on her bed and closed her eyes.

Then a knock shook her awake.

"Kagami, you are not allowed at the party. People are very reckless. Do you understand?" Mother asked.
I gritted my teeth. No again!
"Yes, Mother." I said through gritted teeth.
"And what is going on with Adrien? Gabriel says he's been a little sad. Why?" Mother asked.
"Because we broke up!" I said.
"What is it you are yelling at? I am your mother! Your duty is to respect me through and through!" Mother yelled.
"Yes, Mother."
I said, breathing in and out.
"A photoshoot with Adrien is coming up. Gabriel says that girl with brown hair will be with him. What is her name?" Mother asked.
"Lila, I believe." I said.
"She's a good girl. Always working. Not sneaking away like you did once."
I rolled my eyes.
"Answer me!" Mother soad, hitting her Kendk sword on the ground once more.
"Yes, Mother."
"Did you practice?"
"Yes, in the morning."

The next day Adrien's father and mother had a party in the great hall of some ballroom.
"This is boring." I whispered.
"Tell me about it." Adrien smiled back.
I was happy that we had a mild friendship.
"Let's go. I have a plan." I said. I had seen Marinette walking by and a old plan came to mind.

I grabbed Adrien while he complained about being missing and his father getting mad. I rolled my eyes. He always listened to his father.

I found Marinette picking up plates I believe she had dropped.
She didn't turn around but said...
"Hello, Kagami! It's been amazing to see you here! Oh." She picked up a few plates, but dropped one as one slipped off her hand. I grabbed it with my fast reflex and Marinette thanks me. I nod.
"I have an idea." I said. As Marinette turned and stood up full length. She saw Adrien and a mild blush came upon her cheeks.
I smiled. Brilliant. Maybe if they get together Adrien's father and my mother will stop nagging us about eachother.
"I have a great idea how about we go to the roof?" I asked.
"Uh, sure." Adrien said.

I grabbed both their hands and pulled them toward the elevator.
"Let's go then."

Obviously we had some fun before Marinette had to go back to work.

The next two days passed.

Adrien finally stopped saying that his father is asking about me and so did my mother.

But who I met on the path on which I was going was Lila Rossi.
"Oh! Who have I here?" Lila asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"I have no time for you."

A look of trouble crossed her face.

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"Oh of course. But the other day I heard Adrien how a girl like you could ever date a guy like him. I heard Marinette say that you're by far the one and only worst friend she's ever had. She said I was and am her best friend. You see we became friends." Lila smiled.
"Your lies have no effect on me." I said.
"Oh! I did hear a rumor though, a blind mother can never really see her daughter. Her daughter is always invisible."
"Leave before I bash that head in!" I growled.
"Oh! Ryuko is sooooo down the drain these days. I even talked to Ladybug that I might get her miraclous if she didn't step up in the game of villain and superhero." Lila laughed.
"Get out of my sight!"

I only saw red.

And every feeling of anger, sadness mixed together in one. It hightened as if my mind couldn't handle it any longer. I jammed my hands to my mind.
"Ahh!" I groaned.
"Seeker, a new feeling of betrayal has risen inside you. Loyalty seems to be broken. No one stays. No one talks. Everyone makes you follow rules? Rules? You want to be powerful with your destiny in your hands. I give you the power to feed of the peoples lies. Lies that will power you to take control of anyone and everyone who has ever lied. Then you'll be Queen of your own world. Where lies are a desception only you can see through. Seeker..."

"No! NOOO!"
"Seeker, the only thing I need back for the power I give you is Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraclous. Break the world of lies and rule them. Truth shall be outed. Use your powers to rule over Ladybug and Chat Noir...and give me their jewels." Shadowmoth's voice was strong and loud in my mind.

And I let him take over my mind. The anger heightened and I could hear every though in my mind. All the lies that were being told at that very second.
"Ladybug and Chat Noir are mine."

I turned to a running Lila Rossi.

"I am the Seeker! I'll find you HIDER!" Lila's phone fell on the ground and she screamed while going inside a high school I recognized as Adrien's high school.

I looked down at the phone and it said Mr. Agreste.
"Oh, LILA!" I yelled.


Okay! I outed a couple of things in this chapter. If you didn't notice Lila knows Ryuko is Kagami. How did she know that? And you'd also see that Lila was calling Mr. Agreste.

(Hint: she knows who Shadowmoth is. Keep an eye for more clues.)

Happy reading!

Pound it M'Lady🐞
Pound it M'Kitty😻

Pound it👊

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