Episode 2: Akuma vs Shang Tsung

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3rd POV

Tobor: Aaaaand done! Your winnings and losses have all been either added or taken away from your accounts.

All the teams took a look at their accounts, the ones who bet on Samus gave each other fist bumps, and the ones who bet on Boba Fett... well to put it lightly, they were distraught.

Tobor: And as for the current standings? Well let's take a look at the leaderboard to see our top three highest paid contestants after the first battle!

1st Place:
Team 1 (Izuku and AFO) ¥3,300,000
2nd Place:
Team 27 (Nezu and Kurogiri) ¥2,000,000
3rd Place:
Team 5 (Momo and Iida) ¥1,800,000

Tobor: As you can see, with a staggering total of ¥3,300,000, our current leaders our team 1! Followed by team 27 with their very commendable ¥2,000,000, and team 5 in third with ¥1,800,000

After reading out the ranks to the audience, Tobor made his over to team 1.

Tobor: And now a word from our first place team. Tell me, you two, why take the risk of betting the house so early on?

He held his trusty microphone out to the dark-horse power duo, and Izuku was the first to talk into it.

Izuku: Our decision to bet the house was purely based on us getting a head start in the competition, we were confident in our choice and by waiting until we were the last better, it allowed us to get our head start without anyone being able to match us.

Next, AFO began to talk into the mic.

AFO: And now that we do have this lead, we won't be betting the house ever again.

Tobor: Shocking words from Goliath here folks! May I pry as to why you won't be doing this again?

AFO: Simply because certain incompetent fools will try copying us if we do bet the house again, and that's something we want to avoid.

Izuku: Incompetent is a bit harsh, don't you think?

AFO: As someone who has lived for centuries, I've called people far worse.

If he had eyes, you'd be able to see AFO give sideways glance at the former Symbol of Peace.

Tobor: Ok folks, that's enough interviews for today! We'll also check back up on the leaderboard at the halfway point of season 1. And with that out of the way, what do you all say we just jump into the next episode?

The response from the pub came in the form of resounding cheers, and almost as if it was replying to said cheers, the machine booted up again and started playing episode 2.

Wiz: Street Fighter. Mortal Kombat. Kings of the fighting genre. And every good fighter needs awesome villains.

Shigaraki: Hold up a minute, did he just say the combatants were fighting genre villains?

Dabi: Yeah, they did, why? Need some hearing aids?

Shigaraki: No, you burnt nugget! It's just... you know what? Never mind, I'll tell you later.

Boomstick: Like Akuma! The ultimate badass of martial arts!

Ojiro: A martial artist? Seems like I'll have an easy time analysing this guy.

Kendo: Yeah, so will I, what do you think Ibara- umm, why are you praying?

Ibara: Did you not here the combatants name?! Akuma literally means "Devil"! Please forgive me Father, for the sinfulness I have to watch.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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