1.0 Chapter 9: Seeker's Friend

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So I'm pretty sure you saw a lot of changes in the cover. Last chapter was me going through that. Sooo! NEW COVER!!!! Eeek!

Hope you like it. Last chapter you got a see into how Kagami got Akumatized. And some hints and clues.

Have fun!


Mari's POV

Seeker didn't come in but I saw Lila come in through the bathroom door.
"What are you doing here?" Lila asked.
"Hiding. Of course." I said. She looked at me with a smirk.
"Hiding? What happened to the selfless Marinette. Down the dungeon now where Adrien isn't here. Correct?" Lila asked.
I gritted my teeth. She brings out the worst in everyone. Ugh!
"Go where the sun don't shine, Lila."
"I plan to." Then she checked her pockets and groaned.
"My phone! Where is it?"
"Oh boo hoo, lost your phone now?" I asked.
"Shut up!" Lila gritted.
Worst day ever. Next time I'm not coming into school early at all!
I rolled my eyes and eyed the windows. Hidden behind the black goop.
"How do we get out of here?" I asked.
"How about you go out the door and be bait Soni can get outta here?" Lila put in.
"Brilliant idea!" I said. I opened the door.
"You're dumber than I thought." I heard Lila say.

I exited the bathroom and looked around for the Seeker. I didn't see her. So I ran away from the bathroom door to transform.

Hidden behind a pillar and checked if anyone was near by. I transformed.
"Tikki! Spots on! Ah!"
I looked behind me and saw Lila exiting the bathroom and I entered into the bathroom once more. I call Chat again. Voicemail.
"Hey, Kitty, another Akumatized victim is in the Collège Françoise Dupont high school. You need to get here fast!" I said.

Alright, Kagami is Akumatized and she is going after Lila. Why do I have to stop her? Oh right, she might hurt innocent people. Lila isn't innocent.

I came out of the shadows and looked at the Seeker.
"If you want to attack someone, why don't you? To someone who can handle you." I said. The Seeker looked at me. Her eye color changing.
"You have many lies to have been told. You will be my cherished victim, Ladybug." She sneered.
"Gladly! But before you do, you'll have to catch me first."
"Never knew Ladybug was such a pathetic coward!" Seeker screamed, but I was already one story above her. She stared at me with her teary red eyes and I wondered if they were blood. Her whole costume seemed so not her.

What happened to you Kagami?

I hurriedly moved away as she snapped her want toward my direction like a whip.
"SEEKER! THIS IS NOT YOU!" I yelled as I slung myself higher from her reach.
"This is me, Ladybug. Stop running you fool!" Seeker sneered, her wand almost touching me. If I tell all my lies she'll know my identity.

Then, I feel a presence behind me, turning around I see Rena Furtive.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I could only find Nino. He's outside, but I don't know how he can help you. I brought you the horse miraculous." I saw that she was using it and she was also Rena Furtive. Pega Furtive.
"Can you find Max?" I asked her.
"No...I don't know where he is, when I tried calling him. Ooff!" She squealed as Seeker's wand almost touched her.
"I'll use it then. Thank you, Pega Furtive. Now hide."

Pega Furtive detransformed and gave me the horse Miraculous.
"Hi, Kaalki..." I greeted.
"Hello, Ladybug."
I gave her a macaroon and she took it.
"Rena, you need to hide. If I use my power now I won't be able to again. I'll try to find Chat..."
"You can call Carapace and ask him to let you know."
"Carapace...yes, I'll call him soon. First I need to restrain Seeker from hurting somebody else." I stood up and looked below me where Seeker was supposed to be.
"Done planning?!" I, surprised looked beside me to see Rena gone. She hid, and Seeker didn't see her. Good.
"Yes, actually."
I held onto her wand and pulled, but before I could grab the wand, the tip touched Seeker accidentally.

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