7. Shattered

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# ( Thought of not giving warnings before chapters but this chapter will contain non-consensual scenes. Be aware. )


Tonight he is extremely determined to return her all the things she has lost over the past four months due to her irresponsibility and disobedience.

He has planned.... designed and graphiced in his mind how he should manifest the fact in his wife's mind that she has no other way to live on this earth except for his shelter.

He wished he could just make her understand that the day he claimed her as his the whole world unwantedly became the innocent girl's enemy forever and ever... She can't help it... She can't help but be within the shelter of her husband.... She is required to be within his boundary for her own safety whether she likes it or not.

He was mad... more than just angry over her for being so childish and immature even though being the woman of Kevin Knight... but he did practice control and a lot of patience over his rational rush of anger through his veins.

At first, he wanted to shackle her... Make her feel all kinds of pain he had gone through because of her stupidity. Only he knew how hard it was for him to pass days that did not allow him to touch his doll. He wanted to punish her for leaving him and killing his baby. He did not consider that incident as an accident cause it was not. Clearly, she was blinded by disobedience and rebelliousness that cause them to lose their first baby. 

It took him just 2 days to find out about his wife's whereabouts. But with the situations around him being unfavorable and critical, he decided to give it a break. He was already too angry with her to trust himself around her for some days. She is anyway going to spend the rest of her life strictly in the Knight's Mansion so, after he confirmed her being safe in that place, he allowed her to enjoy some alone time and let her heal. But little did she know he always had his eyes over her each action and he was impatiently waiting for the right moment to take her back to where she belonged.

Kevin slowly walked over to the giant bed. Resting his one knee on its edge, he gestured to her for her hand. Rose's presence has already washed away a big portion of his anger. He does not want to punish her anymore.. for the first time in his life he was feeling grateful for something. He does not want to focus on what has been destroyed already. He wants to rectify her mistakes and give her a chance to redeem herself without any coercion.

On the other hand, Rose knew futile fights against Kevin will land her into some seriously dangerous situations. She was unable to read his mind so she moved her hand forward a little only for Kevin to take a grip on it. He slid the same ring on her finger. Rose could not look into his eyes, she was observing the ring being slipped into her finger. The weight of that ring was much more than what she felt on her wedding day. The ring was the only thing that was missing in her attire and keeping her apart from looking like the same old Rosalia she desperately wanted to leave behind and free herself from.

A drop of water escaped her eyes and fell on his palm. Her eyes were shining like the pearl in the dim light when he lifted her chin to look into them. The pain was clearly visible in those beautiful orbs of hers. Kevin cast a small warm kiss on her forehead while running his fingers through her thick hair in a comforting manner.

He had seen the possessiveness in her eyes for the baby. He knew how immersed in guilt she was for losing that baby. He has already returned to her everything she had lost. Her family, the place where she belongs, her all materialistic possessions even her ring. The only thing that was left now was the baby. He is not so inconsiderate to just follow his instincts. He took her to the doctor before taking her to the bedroom. The doctor confirmed that she is perfectly in good health to conceive and become pregnant again. Their first pregnancy was not planned but this time it is. Kevin has already planned each and everything related to her pregnancy this time.

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