Blood and Water

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"So Alice... you say the nightmares have stopped?"


"I'll give you time to open your eyes, and tell me... what happened on that island. What happened to you and how you've changed... I'll give you time because most people who go through experiences like this... well they... stop. they give up on life and just... sit. Waiting. Waiting for a spark of hope. that they have to provide. So tell me..."




"... We're going down."

Lighting flashed at the side of the plane. Her ears were ringing all she saw was a gaping hole in the of the plane. People flying out. Her seat belt snapped in half. She felt the force trying to pull her down. but she held on. She was able to grab rope on one of the boxes.


The planes front snapped off. She was on the edge of the middle holding on. she was flying and dangling at the same time. She somehow pulled herself up onto the box. The front boxes, including the box she was on were sliding out.

"NO! NO, NO, NO!"

She jumped and grabbed onto the next box. there was a isle like gap in between the boxes. she ran through.

"ALICE!" She saw Callie hanging on to a door.


"ALICE TAKE IT!" Callie handed her a backpack, "PUT IT ON! C'MON!" Alice swiftly put it on not knowing what it was. All the boxes were sliding out. Alice grabbed on the the bathroom door handle.


The plane was twirling. Going in all the directions. Alice was hitting the walls. Bruises forming on her arm and legs. Then there was a powerful jerk. Metal against metal. Alice turned around and looked only to see a plane propeller crashing in there side of the plane. There were two gaps in between the propeller.

"ALICE!" Callie was holding on just with her fingers, "NO!" Callie swiftly fell down sliding on the metal trying to grab on to something. She slides down and down. She fell through a opening. Into the vast ocean. Alice was slipping now. she could not hold on and fell. Sliding and yet so luckily grabbed on to the edge of the plane. She saw the ocean. And in three seconds she was surrounded by water. The last thing she felt was a sharp pain in her side.


She awoke. Her vision was blurry but she could make out sand and a deep green Forrest. There was pain all over her body. but the worst was yet again in her side. She looked down to see a thin, sharp, red piece of metal. She screamed as loud as she could. She looked behind her and saw rubble, and metal scraps in a huge pile. She was on her knees in the sand. looking she saw the metal went up diagonally. She pulled. a deep trail of red left be hind her. A sharp pain went through her body. She started screaming. She kept pulling in a desperate attempt to pull her self off the metal. her feet were off the ground now. She was pulling as hard as she could. She had one wrong hand placement and fell back a few inches. She pulled and finally she was off the metal. she fell to the ground. her face in sand. her hand was on her worst injury. blood all over. She was relived and in horrific pain at the same time. she pushed herself to her feet. She searched the beach. and found no one else. Until she saw high clouds of smoke inland.

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