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A/N: check the warnings before reading. also i made this for fun lolol


"for christs sake" I groan rubbing my exhausted eyes. My watch blinks 2:00 AM, who the fuck is knocking at this hour? I roll over in bed.. or I guess mattress and ignore the persistent knocks on the door.

"Uhm hey, it's Jane" a familiar voice calls, causing me to jolt up.

Jane is my neighbor and her dad owns the place. I hadn't said much to her since i moved in, mostly due to the fact that she's totally out of my league and I suck at making conversation. All I know is she's a tattoo artist and has an amazing sense of style.

I gnaw at my lips and make my way to the door. A girl with sleek black hair, sharp features, and shivering arms greeted me.

I clear my throat, "oh uhh Jane what's... what's up?"


She looked completely washed out and frigid, her exposed skin covered in goosebumps.

"Sorry Y/N to wake you up this late or well early," she let out a defeated sigh, "my heater stopped working a couple nights ago and I didn't think about fixing it because it never gets cold here. Well I guess today is my lucky day because I'm freezing my tits off."

"...okay?" I replied with a confused chuckle. where was this going?

"so I was like wondering if i could stay here for tonight?"

I freeze ; Jane Margolis sleeping in my house.

"Sure but I-"

"thanks" she darted right past me and immediately started rubbing her arms to quickly warm herself up.

"I was going to say that since I just moved in the only thing that arrived was my mattress. My furniture won't be here till a couple days" I clarify, expecting a large freak out reaction. But instead she shrugs her shoulders like the fact that she's going to have to sleep right next to me doesn't bother her at all.

She slips off her bulky jacket to reveal an oversized graphic grey t-shirt and shockingly short shorts. It shows off her gorgeous figure, sucking the air from
my lungs. My face burns up and I excuse myself to the bathroom to hide the flustered expression painted on me.

When I return, Jane is tucked in ready for me. I apprehensively turn off the light, and join her

It's eerily quiet, a silent tension filling the air. Her chest pressing against my back, her gentle breathing, the warmth radiating off her body transferring to me. I worried if I moved even slightly itll scare her off. Like a deer grazing through the woods.

Minutes felt like hours, and i couldn't stop thinking about her deep round eyes, cherry blushed lips, razor sharp jawline.

a whisper breaks the silence, "are you asleep"

"no" I murmur honestly. She lets out a pleased hum and slithers a hand over my waist. I suck in a sharp breath. Is this happening?

"Do you want to do something" she purposed.

"Like... like what exactly?" I bleated nervously. Part of me was anxious but the other part was overjoyed. Which would prevail?

Jane flickers on the light and hooks one leg over me so she was perched directly overtop. Her eyes boring into mine.

"Fuck." she stated blankly. So direct, I couldn't even process it for a moment, so she doubles down, "or you know just make out for a while"

I pull her face down to mine and our lips make contact. Her soft warm lips clashing with mine, gentle yet rough at the same time. It felt as if I were melting into her, like I couldn't wait to get closer. Her thin fabric now felt like a chastity, i was desperately tugging at the ends of her shirt.

My hands found their way into her hair, clutching a fistful of her silky locks. She rocked her body back and forth, her crotch rubbing against my stomach. She moaned into my mouth, making me giggle at how needy she's being.

"you know.." I panted between sloppy kisses, "I think I liked your first offer more" I flipped her over onto her back.

She pulled her shirt over her head, showing off a lacy black bra. I plant wet hickies onto her collar bone, down her chest, and onto her breast. I pull away for a moment to admire my work, causing her to roll her eyes.

My hand snakes behind her and unclips her bra, revealing her bare chest. Jane giggles at my awestruck expression, and nudges me to continue. I oblige, placing my lips directly on one of her nipples and using my hand to toy with the other one.

My tongue swirls around the hardened bud, passionately sucking and gently nipping. She lets out a series of unintelligible curses and moans, her eye lids fluttering closed. I continue to work on her breasts, hiking up her climax until I abruptly pulled away.

Jane pouted and whined, I hushed her with a kiss. I worked my way down her body, over her chest, down her stomach, until i reached the belt line. I glanced up at her for approval and she vigorously nodded.

Swiftly pulling off her shorts revealed matching black underwear. A grin spread across my face and I tediously peeled back her soaked panties. Slowly, I kissed the inside of her thighs, leaving a trail of goosebumps till I reached her pussy.

I placed a kiss directly onto the clit, making Jane jolt. Like her nipple, my tongue began swirling around her clit, running up and down and back up again. her body shivered with pleasure.

"faster.." she demanded, and of course I obeyed. My tongue speeding up, hungry for her taste. an earthy, surprisingly sweet flavor.

her body was burning up and her legs shaking uncontrollably, I knew she was about to cum. I didn't slow down or speed up, I remained at the desired pace. Relentlessly attacking her pussy, causing a wave of euphoria to wash over her. She shrieked, digging her sharp nails into my shoulders.

I quickly lapped up her cum, overstimulating her even more. When I was done, I kissed her one last time before cradling her head gently. I combed my fingers through her hair as she came down from her climax, her breath panting against my cheek. I collapsed next to her.

"holy fuck, that was insane" jane turned to me, "i should come here more often" she added.

"you really should. I don't mind sharing"

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