hannah meets eddie

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Hannah's POV-

"Grubs up!" I tried to make my voice as cheery as possible as I placed the tray in front of the despondent man in front of me. His knees were bunched to his chest as he rested his chin on his hand, his blank expression staring mournfully out of the window into the depressing 4x4 courtyard.

"Not hungry," Gerard mumbled into his hands glumly.

"Come on, Gerard, it's pizza night!" I did a tragic little dance trying to make the beige looking pile of dough in front of him seem more appealing. He didn't even crack a smile, let alone a laugh.

"Gerard," I sighed sitting next to him. I sometimes thought Gerard didn't belong in a place like this and I figured that's why at times my boundaries slipped around him. Gerard was just a confused man who was consumed by sadness and the poster boy for an anti drug campaign if I ever did see one. He thought he was slick, acting like an ass hole to get given diazepam, but I knew his game. Gerard was just an addict, he didn't deserve to be sat on a chair that was bolted to the floor, he didn't need the plastic spork that was long forgotten on his dinner tray and he certainly did not fit in with the other's around him.

"Just cut the shit, Hannah," he glared into the twilight sky, "just tell me how he is."

"You know thats confidential, Gerard," I sighed.

"Well, if you're not going to tell me I'd rather you just leave me alone."

"Hey!" I snapped "you know its hospital policy if-"

"But isn't it hospital policy to not leave a line of sight observation? Oh, and it's certainly not hospital policy to allow another patient into someone else room!"

"Gerard," I fumed. He was so frustrating at times. Yes, he did not belong here, but he also sure knew how to wind himself into enough trouble that other people thought that he did.

"Don't worry, Hannah, I'm not gonna tell anyone," he rolled his eyes. "I just don't think it's fair he gets carted off into segregation."

"He attacked an innocent man- well, not innocent but you know what I mean," I bumbled awkwardly.

Last night was the first time Eddie had scared me. Sure, he was an asshole when he was first admitted, but I'd never seen such rage in anybodies eyes, let alone his. The other staff had always been so cautious of Eddie, the vicious killer who decided one random day 3 years ago he was never going to speak again. He'd always intrigued me though. From that day of his admission and I was that little inexperienced student nurse, I just wanted to understand him. I'd almost given up trying to understand a man that did not even remember where he came from until I saw the shift in his behaviour.

// 8 months ago\\

"And Eddie, do you have anything you would like to add to the group?" The student occupational therapist asked. Bless her, I had been in her position once thinking I was going to be the one to finally get Eddie to break his vow of silence.

He pulled his usual face, silently sniggering at the desperation in her voice.

"Eddie?" She tried again.

"Oh erh-" I interrupted her begging for her to move on before he got wound up.

"I think Eddie was just about to say something," the student said cutting me off rudely. Fine, I thought, if she wanted to try then she could.

"This is getting gooooood," RFS leaned into his chair silently taunting the girl.

"Eddie, SIT," I snapped harshly as he rose to his feet and strolled casually towards the young girl.

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