Major Shravan Malhotra and Captain Suman Tiwari

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7 years ago, everything changed. For two teens, their entire world came burning down, filled with overflowing emotions and broken bonds. Neither one was right nor wrong, but instead the deck of life had dealt them such cards to make sure they couldn't win. Now, in the present, can they regain their lost past? Or are they destined to forever be stuck with the cards they received? Are they really, truly meant for one another? Join us on this journey to find out.

(Note: This story picks up immediately after the time skip. It attempts to show what would happen if the show kept a full army track like the promos. I plan on making this a long story to fully detail everything.)


Shravan was sitting at the desk in his military office. He was in his standard dark green military uniform and his jacket read Major Shravan Malhotra. Luckily, he had been able to stay posted right here in Bhopal, close to his home. Without him here, he doesn't know what would have happened to his precious mother without her dear husband. He was passing by and doing menial everyday army tasks when he received a call on the phone. Ringggg Ringgggg. Shravan picked up the corded telephone that rested on the far corner of his desk and brought it up to his ear.

"Hello Colonel Viswan. Yes, I will make sure to meet with the new soldiers who have recently joined my infantry. Understood, I will be there tomorrow along with the other Majors introducing themselves to their respective infantries. Jai Hind!"

He placed the phone back down on the holder, and let out a sigh. Shravan had recently been promoted to Major from Captain and he was having difficulty managing his new responsibilities. Of course, on their own they would have been manageable. But due to the mental burdens of his family, he was not able to work efficiently. Tomorrow would be his first meaningful task since being promoted - meeting with the new soldiers who joined the infantry. This was of utmost importance: Shravan had to introduce himself with a good impression to make sure the soldiers believed he could lead them. After all, since a young age, he had always held his self-image and relations with others to the highest standards. He wanted to show and prove to all of the soldiers that he cared about them and would guide them well moving forwards.

Typically, soldiers naturally believed that their superior possessed these qualities. However, this was not the case for Shravan. His promotion had been a rather unusual one because he had been promoted at such a young age. Therefore, many people were questioning his skills and ability to be a Major. For once in his life, he had truly spent all his wits and efforts towards studying and performing his job. The promotion was simply the fruits of his labor. Shravan smiled as he remembered Colonel Tiwari's words.

He saw a spark in me. He saw the fire in me. He saw my ability to become a smart and successful man. I'm glad to have followed in his footsteps of serving my country.

Hidden behind his smile was also the pain he felt every time he harped back to such memories. Shravan thought yaar, things were so much happier simpler back then. Now, my entire life is a convoluted mess. Sometimes, I still can't believe Vijay Uncle is gone... he was the best mentor, teacher, and overall human being I have ever met. Life isn't fair at all. Although this pain immensely hurt him, it's also what had pushed him to where he was now. Following Colonel Tiwari's death, he vowed to never fail his expectations and always reach for higher aspirations.


Suman was busy gathering up her belongings and stuffing them in her suitcase, meticulously folding up her clothes and laying them inside her bag. Most of her belongings had already been given to the movers, it was just a few of the items she wanted to personally take with her. She had just recently been notified that some Captains, of which included her, had their army post shifted. Currently, she was posted in Indore and was living by herself in the army cantonment. Although she had been lonely at times, she still liked the community and friends she was a part of. She did have one friend named Ruhi who was shifting alongside of her so she was glad to have at least one person she was close with joining her. However, there was still one thought in the forefront of Suman's mind, having no intention of leaving anytime soon. This was when she found out where she was transferring to - Bhopal. Ever since she found out a few days ago, her emotions had been running wild inside her like a hurricane. Even now, she was thinking about it.

Oh god, how will it feel going back there? On one hand, I am very happy - I will be close to chaachi, chaachu, and Kanchan. Whenever I want to, I can go meet them. But at the same time, I'm scared. Going back there... will all the memories come back to haunt me again? After so long, I was finally able to accept the death of Papa and Mumi a few years ago when I joined here in Indore. I still think about them all the time, but I at least don't cry every time. Will going there bring my tears back?

"Suman?... Suuuman?..... Suman!"

Suddenly, Suman snapped back into reality after being lost in her train of thought.

"Oh! Ruhi? Why are you here?"

"What do you mean Suman? Where is your mind at? We have to leave in 10 minutes! For Bhopal!"

"Haay Bhagavan! I totally forgot! I'm almost done packing Ruhi, I will be there in 5 minutes."

"Ok great. I'm waiting for you outside next to the car."

Although Ruhi reprimanded Suman for not being attentive, she was not surprised. Since they had first met, she would notice that it often happened. Suman always seemed... kind of lost in a way to her. A few times, she had tried asking Suman if something was wrong. Ruhi knew that her father had passed away long ago (everyone saw the news on TV when it happened), but wouldn't dare bring it up in front of her friend. So, she always held herself back before asking Suman, not wanting to unravel or anger her friend,

Suman quickly gathered her belongings, and met up with Ruhi who helped her load everything into the car. Suman and Ruhi both sat inside the car, and it slowly started moving as its engine churned to make the tires spin. Suman gazed out into the sky from her window while her thoughts continued to agonize her. She let out a big sigh and then closed her eyes. Next stop, Bhopal.

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