not today

28 1 3

Skeepy pov

I ran on the sidewalk keeping in the shadows as Best as I can with the red and blue lights flashing brightly behind me. The sirens were loud and people were getting there family and friends inside to safety.I turned into a allyway running to the third building to the left.

It was an abandoned apartment. The fire escape ladder was stuck halfway down. Just far enough for me to climb but not to look suspicious.

I jump grabbing the second bar with my hands and pulling my self up. I made it to the third level then opened the window jumping in and cracking the window slightly.

The red and blue lights pluted the area. Two guys came running up but stopped a fue buildongs down.

"He's gone now. No use in wasting energy." One guy said

"Yeah, let's go." The other dude agreed and thay left.

Soon the harsh red and blue was replaced with the soft glow of the moon. It was a peaceful environment again.

"Ha not today bitches!"

I closed and locked the window. Then walked over to the apartment door double checkef it was locked. Turning on the lights I made Sure I wasn't robbed.

The old couch that has been here since I moved in was still there. The lamp and side table were in exactly the same spot. The broken TV was still sitting agenst the wall in the floor backwards.

I walked to my room. Seeing my bed, phone and comforter still there I decided to just assume that my fue pieces of clothing was fine. Grabbing my phone I went to sit on the couch.

I saw one notification and amiditly knew it was from the police station. I had followd them on Facebook to see what thay thought of me. Opening Facebook and clicking the notification I see the exact thing I expected.

"Blue bandit tried to get to the store is stopped be two police still gets away"

You see I'm not a bad person in fact the worst thing I've done is troll someone but I'm a half diamond.

According to the history books Half diamonds have a history of herting the humans. We would kill them at werst and make them out slave at best. Then thay killed off the species.

I don't think there history is right and I refuse to steel.

I sigh and decided to go to bed. My stomach growled. Shit I forgot to get food from to store. I decided to just go tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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