A Very Loaded Question

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Hi! This is my first fanfiction ever and I'm not the best writer but I can't stand the way that they just dropped this storyline!!

TW: mentions of sexual assault

Feedback is welcomed but please be nice!! <3 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chris takes a deep breath as she leaves headquarters, feeling the weight of the vulnerability she has just exposed herself to. This wasn't a story she thought she would ever even tell her team, let alone publish publicly. Before turning the key, she waits in her Jeep for what seems like hours. She imagines the reactions of her teammates as they hear her story on the way home. Though she considers all possible responses, the thought of her worst fear—that they will see her as weak—coming true makes her heart sink.

She arrives home, turns on a hot shower, and looks down at her phone. She has a few text messages from the team, but turns her phone on do not disturb so she can process the events of the day and what is to come. As she scrutinizes her reflection in the mirror, she feels the weight of what it means to be exposed and dreads that the four men who have treated her like family will learn her secret.

Chris spends the rest of her evening crying on and off, thinking of how she would tell her team. The article would come out in three days- should she even tell them? What if they don't even see it?

Chris tucks herself into bed but gets little sleep. She tosses and turns until she finally picks up her phone to read 4 A.M. Giving up on getting any sleep, she rolls out of bed and makes some coffee. She exhales deeply in an attempt to calm her nervousness, but it's futile. 

"Why did you become a cop?"

A simple question, really. One that so many cops have no problem answering. But for Chris, it is so much more than that. It is a question that has made her become completely unglued. Being the first woman on SWAT carries a heavy burden. When a huge part of your story involves being overpowered and taken advantage of, how do you convince others that women are just as powerful and capable as men? She doesn't want her team to see her as a victim. She doesn't even want to imagine the way that they will look at her.

But as much as the thought of all of this paralyzes her, she doesn't want to stay silent. She thinks of all the young girls who look up to her, all the women who have been victimized in ways similar to her, and she wants them to know they are not alone.

She snaps back into reality as she sees a tear fall onto the table in front of her. Taking a deep breath, she remembers that she has five days until the story will come out. She has three days to find the courage to tell the team or let them find out themselves. Considering this, she picks up her phone to call Hondo, to ask for a few days off.

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