One and a Half Hearts

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Jeans POV:

It's been a long day, we've just got back from outside the wall and we are due to leave again in a couple days. It's so exhausting. I walk to my room, my eyes starting to become heavy and droop, it's kinda late so I don't think anyone will mind if I took a nap. I walked into my room and closed the door behind me, then flop onto my bed and wiggle about a bit until I'm comfortable. I look up at the ceiling and let my mind wander a bit, ending up going through all my opinions of everyone. Annie, Mikasa, Reiner, Eren, Marco... Marco.. I felt my body go limp then my eyes close, slowly falling asleep...



I open my eyes and slowly start to stand. "Where am I?" I ask myself, looking around me, a place starting to form around me. I'm in a small town. I look around a bit confused, "Hello?" I call. No response. "Hello?" I call again a little louder. Still no response. I guess it's just me then. I walk around finding that this place seems very familiar. I walk down between the buildings, looking down the alley ways as I pass them. The place seems to go on forever and it's the same place repeated over and over again. Is there something important about this place? I walk a little further before going down one of the alley ways, the other side was exactly the same.. But one thing.. Marco. I look down. His dead body lying there, half of him missing. I fall to my knees as tears start to well up in my eyes. I grab his hands and hold them. It's the day he died all over again, only this time. I'm alone. Alone. As the tears fall from my eyes I see Marco's dead body start to turn into dust, falling through my fingers and be swept away by a gentle breeze. I look down and close my eyes, letting the tears fall. When I open my eyes I see my hands in grass, as I stare at the ground wondering why there's grass here I hear a voice.
"Jean." It's his voice, Marco's. I feel a hand under my chin and I lift my head to see Marco's sweetly smiling face. Marco wipes away my tears and stands me up, as I stand I can see that we are in a huge field.
"Why?" I cry, "You left me all alone." Marco smiles again.
"You're not alone, I'm always with you." He says, then wraps his arms around me in a hug to comfort me.
"Are you happy?" I ask.
Marco smiles at me, "Yes, I am."

He's happy...


My eyes open and I look around, I'm back in my room. It was a dream. I stare at my ceiling for a while then smile. If Marco's happy.

Then so am I.


Sorry it isn't that good, I tried.

Thank you for reading.


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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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