Chapter 1

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It's pretty late at night and right now I'm driving down this road I've never seen before it's dark and I'm pretty sure I'm lost.

Then the worst thing happens, my car stops. I hopped out and looked around me. My stupid car decided to stop right outside someone's drive blocking their car.

I decided to go and knock on their door.

"Hello Jim" A young man said. "Oh you're not..."

"No I'm sorry to bother you I just, my car just broke down and it's straight outside your house." I explained looking at the man then looking down.

He looked quite intelligent, he had a bead and wore some smart glasses.

"Um would you like to come in a minute, I'll get my mum." He said, "oh I'm Adam by the way"

"Georgia" I said as he walked off and I was left in the hallway in this man's house.

"Oh hello? Are you Adams Female?" A much older man said holding a pot of what seemed to be Ketchup.

"No, I.." I started to say.

"Hello Darling, Adam told me what happened would you like to come in here and we can get my younger son to look at it." The boys mother said.

She took me through to the living room where I took a seat with Adam and his father was in there too.

"MARTIN! Ask The young ladies if she want a a cup of tea" The mother shouted in.

"My wife asked if you would like a cup of tea" the father ,who I gathered was named Martin, turned next to me and ask me.

"That would be lovely thank you." I said with a smile.

"Sooo Have you met my stupid idiot brother yet?" Adam chimed up.

"No your mum said he could look at my car." I told him. Just as I said that a taller but younger boy walked in.

" You alright Pussface?" He said after taking a seat on Adams lap.

"Oh piss off Johnny!!" Adam said sort of in pain, shoving his brother to the side.

"Oh hello." He said to me looking over.

I have to admit this boy was cute.

"Hi. Johnny right?" I asked

"Yeah, who are you?" He asked me looking at Adam cringing.

"Georgia sorry my car broke down I kind of just intruded your family.

"No no it's fine, I'll help you lets go look at your car.

Adam made a shocked face sort of like this is not something Johnny would ever do.

"Johnny look at Georgia's car please" Their mother (who's name is still haven't learnt) told Johnny.

"Mum, I'm doing it now." He said as we went outside to my car.

"So why are you round here then?" Johnny asked me while he opened the hood of my car.

"I was meant to be visiting my dads sister but my phone died this morning and I do not know the way to her house" I explained.

"Ahh, well basically you car will probably take a proper mechanic to fix and it might be a lot of money." He explained to me.

"Oh god what am I gonna do" I complained hiding my head in my hands.

"It's okay we'll sort something out, let's go back inside." He suggested and I followed him inside.

"How did it go!?" The mother asked us.

"Cars basically fucked." I said with a little laugh.

"Oh I'm sorry darling, how about staying for dinner tonight?" She offered.

"That would be really nice thank you." I answered.

Everyone took a seat at the dining table. I was sat next to Martin and opposite Adam.

"So Georgia, what brought you to the area?" The mother asked me.

"I was meant to be visiting my dad sister but I got lost and my phone died." I explained to her.

"Oh dear, do you know her number? You should be able to ring her off of our house phone." She suggested.

"Yeah I do thank you."

"So Adam.. any you know Females?" Martin asked.

"dad!!" Adam said quite annoyed.

"Love it!" Johnny said taking a sip of water, "OH YOU BASTARD!"

"Skill" Adam said with a grin.

"Boys! Language we have a guest!" Their mother said.

"So what do you do? Zookeeper?" Martin turned to ask me.

"Zookeeper?" Johnny asked martin.

"No I'm actually an Athlete. Should be doing the Olympics this year." I told them.

"Ooo what sport do you do?" Their mother asked me.

"No Jackie let me guess!" Martin said. At this point I was pretty confused. "You do horse riding?"

"What- no. I'm a sprinter." I explained.

"Hmm Val said she had a Niece who was a Sprinter oh god what did she say her name was!?" Jackie said to herself thinking.

"Sorry Val? As in Valerie?" I asked.

"Yes why?" Adam asked.

"My dads sister is called Val." I explained.

"GEORGIA! She said she has a Niece called Georgia!" Jackie said!

"So you know my Auntie Val?" I asked quite surprised.

"oh Bloody Val!" Martin said disgustedly.

"Pissface you've been quiet tonight." Adam said.

"Hmmm?" Johnny hummed.

"Yes Johnny you have been quite quiet tonight, what's wrong?" Jackie asked.

"Ohhhhhh I know." Adam said coming to realisation.

Johnny hit Adams stomach. I laughed a little bit, still not knowing what was wrong with Johnny.

"So John John will you drop Georgia off at Auntie Val's please later?" Jackie suggested.

"Bloody Val!" Martin said once again.

"What in his shitty little house car" Adam said with a laugh also making Martin laugh.

"Ok ok yes I'll take her" Johnny said


After eating the rest of the night went pretty quick. I grabbed my things out of my car and Got In Johnny's car. Adam came with us too because Jackie told him to Take Auntie Val some things.

"Thank you again Johnny" I said to him.

"Any day" he said while helping me get my things out of his car. Before he left me I turned to him and kissed his cheak. He look quite shocked. Adam was staring in shock.

"Georgia can I have your number please.?" Johnny asked me. He seemed quite sweet about it.

"Yeah of course." I said then gave him my number.

"Hi auntie Val." All three of us said in tune."

Thank you for reading


(Word count is 1061)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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