Wundagore Mountain

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"I opened it, I am the one who needs to close it." Wanda said to zombie strange emotionlessly while sitting on the alter like structure in the Darkhold Castle. He nodded in reply for it was only Strange dream walking in a dead version of himself so really he would not be harmed by what would happen next. Wanda took a deep breath, presumably one of her last, and began to destroy her Castle. She tore the stone structure down with her scarlet magic crushing everything beneath it including the Darkhold. Since this was where the Darkhold was originally first transcribed it destroyed all copies of it in every multiverse. The walls finally collapsed on her and a small explosion of Wanda's crimson magic was visible from from outside the fallen castle for only a moment, which was not what it appeared to be.


To viewers of this event like Strange, Wong, and America, who only saw what was happening for a few moments, it would appear that the witch died in the ruble. But if you were to look closer... You would cease to find Wanda's remains in the once momentous castle. For the scarlet witch is not so easily defeated, not even by herself. She had given up all hope at the moment, until she remembered she may have one person in this world that might still be worth living for. When the thought came to her it gave her just the tiniest glimpse of hope so she teleported out of the falling structure just in time to escape death. (hence the small explosion mentioned earlier.)


Where she decided to teleport to may surprise some, but to others you may understand. Wanda decided to teleport to Westview, specifically in front of Ralph Bohners house. But he wasn't living there anymore, a former witch had moved in and took his place. Besides, most of the Westview residence moved after the anomaly because it was a rather tragic and traumatic event to many. Though some did decide to stay in the charming little town, yet none ever expected Maximoff to return.


Wanda sat on the doorstep of Agnes's house for quite some time attempting to build up the courage to knock on her door. Though, the thought of not knowing whether she was about to face Anges, the friendly neighbor, or Agatha, the witch who tried to take her magic and destroy her entire family... was a scary thought. She didn't want to fight any longer, so she hoped it was the first option. Though, she decided if she were to find it was Agatha, she was prepared to die. Wanda would accept her fate and die at the hands of her former friend, for then she truly would have no hope. She no longer knew if Agatha was still trapped as Agnes or if somewhere along the way she unintentionally set her free. She sat and cried at the sight of where her home used to be, even though none of it was real now. It still hurt remember everything like it was yesterday, the joy of just being able to see Vision's face everyday was more then enough plus then having her twins. It was a simple life yes, but it was the happiest she had ever been and will ever be. It was perfect... but it wasn't.


How could she know the people of Westview were feeling what she was feeling?? She didn't want anyone else to be drowning in grief or having the terrible nightmares she was, but she hurt all of those innocent people without even knowing what she was doing. Wanda of course wished she had never taken the town hostage, yet a at times she wished she could go back. She never would actually do anything like that again but the unimaginable loss she feels possesses her thoughts every now and then.


After about 30 minutes of wallowing in self pity and mustering up the strength to just knock on Agnes or Agatha's door, Wanda decided it was time. Plus she couldn't have anyone in Westview see her so she decided she needed to get out of sight before it was to late and she was spotted. She didn't intend to further harm anyone in town by causing them panic at the sight of her. So, she sighed, stood up, and knocked on the door.

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