🤍❤️ That's just how the world works

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This is canon to my own SMP's and writing, NOT the Lifesteal SMP! This is also written in a different writing style, sorry! You'll see what I mean in a sec.

Branzy POV

I was walking though my base, checking chests for iron, since I think I ran out?

I vaguely remember putting iron somewhere in here...

Opening a chest, nothing out of the ordinary- wait what book is that...?

"Everything you need to know how the world works...? The Overworld, Underground, Nether and End... wait a minute what's the underground? And who the hell put this book here, this is my loot chest!" I pull the book out as I read the cover, closing the chest.

"God damn it, I'll read this later." I put the book in my back pocket and proceed to continue my search for iron.

----- are you okay? Do you need a hug because I'm always here for you!

Finally I found some iron in my damn foraging chests, why the hell did I even put it there? Whatever, I got the iron and I set up the rest of the tnt minecart trap.

Nothing special, just a small surprise for some old teammates of mine.

Anyways, once I have the trap set up I head back home to relax.

I sat down and felt the book in my back pocket... right, forgot it was there. Welp, there's no better time then the present, huh?

I scramble to grab my reading glasses and I take out the book.

"Alright! Let's see what you got!" I opened the book to the first page.

"How to survive... what the undead mean... the different dimensions... history of the ancient cities...blah blah bla- oh! The different species and where they all live! Nice, I've been trying to figure that out."

I flip to the page and start reading.


Warning! The following will contain graphic images (aka descriptions for us) please caution yourself!


The Overworld

The Overworld species, or also known as the 'Worldly', contain the deadliest species of them all. Players. It also contains multiple other species.

[an image below showed multiple biomes, including the plains, mountains, and swamp.]


AKA 'humans' are known for their destructive nature. Causing the extinction of many and many species, when brought to fight these be aware they are all anger fueled. If you can, transform into Players when visiting the Overworld, or, be around them so you yourself will look like one. Still be cautious, as it is easy to find out your not one of them within days.

[there were 2 images below. One showing two players, bloodified and smiling while holding dia swords. Behind them were multiple unknown species, dead and most likely extinct. The other photo showed some type of 'safe haven' where while most of the people there showed human features, were actually different species. Below it captioned: "Origins SMP, started by Tommathy/Theseus innit Mynecraff"]


Containing cows, sheep, pigs, chicken, axolotls, fish, dolphins, and many other species, are a food source for carnivores and omnivores. Having basic needs, these can usually be bred, aside for the Parrot and the Bat, which are un-breed-able .

[the image was taken in the plains showing multiple farm animals]]


Found anywhere and everywhere's that's dark enough. Hostile. Sometimes will have swords and armor, and rarely found decked out with enchanted diamond.

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