Taehyun smiled as he ran into the school, now being a 4th grader. He couldn't wait to see all of his friends! Taehyun headed to the 4th grade room, looking around, but frowning when he didn't see Hueningkai. He shrugged, guessing he was late. The bell rang, indicating people to head to their class. Taehyun watched the door for Hueningkai, getting more worried as Hueningkai still hasn't showed up. "Uhm, excuse me miss, wheres Hueningkai?" Taehyun asked. He watched as his new teacher scanned the list. "Theres no Hueningkai on the list"

Taehyun ran out the class as soon as the bell rang, his bag on his back, a habit he got from Kai. He saw Soobin swinging on the swings, but no Yeonjun in sight. "Wheres Yeonjun?" Taehyun asked, panting from the run. "In class, middle schoolers have recess after us" Soobin said, looking down at his toes. "Well come on then! This is a group meeting!" Taehyun said, grabbing his bag and taking out a paper and pen, writing the SOS on the paper. Soobin nodded and followed the younger towards Yeonjun's class. They saw Yeonjun in class, doodling on his paper. Thank god he was placed by the window, or else he wouldn't have seen Taehyun jumping up and down with the paper in his hands. They stopped as they both watched Yeonjun raise his hand and walk out of the classroom. "Bathrooms" The two nodded and followed the older towards the bathroom.

The three walked into the bathroom, Yeonjun turned around and looked at the two. "What has to be so important that yall pull me from my class?" "Oh shush, you weren't even paying attention, you were doodling on your paper" Soobin said. "Thats not the point!" "Guys be quiet! Hueningkai isn't here!" Taehyun screeched. The two looked at Taehyun. Yeonjun's eyes widened. "Your lying! Taehyun you need to stop with these lies, your going to make people believe you" Yeonjun scoffed. "Yeonjun, if he were here he'd be with Tae right now, and we wouldn't have done this" Soobin said. Yeonjun groaned as he knew Soobin was right. "We'll check his apartment after school, for now, I need to go back to class" The two nodded and went out the bathroom to continue the rest of their days.

The three ran up the stairs and down the hall of the complex, going to the 4th floor. "Please be there....please be there" Taehyun chanted as they got to Kai's complex. "Deep breaths guys, deep breaths...." Taehyun held onto Yeonjun's hand as Soobin knocked on the door. Glass shattering could be heard, making Soobin jump and flinch. Yeonjun pulled the two back, just in case anything happened. After a few moments the door swung open, alcohol was lingering off of the person. It was Kai's mother. "Hi, were looking for Kai" Taehyun said. "Hes not here, we moved to China with his father, what a selfish brat!" The door slammed in their faces. The three walked down to the park in silence, not knowing what to say. Soobin looked away from the group, looking at the sand. "Theres something your not telling us, arent you?" Yeonjun narrowed his eyes at Soobin. "Theres....nothing to hide from you guys" Soobin mumbled. "You knew about it didn't you!" Yeonjun shouted. Soobin flinched from the noise. "I-" "You fucking knew! But you didn't even tell us! What the hell!" Yeonjun punched Soobin, him landing onto the concrete hard. "We're his friends too! Shouldn't we get to know too?!" Yeonjun kept punching Soobin. "H-hyung sto-" "Shut up Taehyun! Aren't you mad too? He knew about it this whole time but didn't even tell us!" Taehyun didn't say anything, but he couldn't stand watching his friend beat his other friend up. "Why the hell couldn't we know!? Why?!" Yeonjun shook Soobin, who had tears going down his face, the tears going across his beat up lip, which of course stung. Dirt had also made its way to Soobin's clothes, making him feel dirty, really really dirty. "You're always keeping shit to yourself, don't consider us friends if you're gonna do that" Yeonjun threw Soobin to the ground, walking away to his house. Soobin looked at Taehyun. "Hyun-" "S-sorry....Yeonjun hyung makes a point..." Taehyun muttered, avoiding eye contact and scurrying away to his house. Soobin sighed and laid on the ground, closing his eyes and letting the dark take over him.

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