Chapter Two: Devil's Son

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"Wait, Dean, no—" Sam said once Dean whipped out his gun and fired a bullet at Jack.

Jack let out a loud scream as his eyes turned a bright gold, blowing the three of us back into the walls and knocking us unconscious.

I woke up later to birds chirping and sunlight streaming through the window. Sitting up and looking around, I saw the two brothers waking up as well.

"Wait, was that...?" Dean asked as he rubbed his head.

"Lucifer's son." Sam confirmed for us.

The three of us got up and Dean grabbed his gun from the floor, heading out of the nursery and walking outside.

"Can he teleport?" Dean asked.


"The kid. Does he have wings?" Dean asked again.

"Uh, no. I don't know." Sam said.

Dean sighed and looked back at me. "Hey, kid, why don't you come with us for a bit?"

"Hunting Lucifer's kid? You sure I'm gonna be of any help?" I asked.

"If there's one thing I know about men, it's how easily distracted we get by women." Dean said.

I looked at Sam. "Is he serious?"

Sam sighed. "Seems so. You coming?"

I looked at the two brothers. "Sure. Got nothing else to do today."

"That's the spirit." Dean smiled and opened the back door of the Impala for me to get in, closing it and getting over to the drivers seat as Sam got in the passengers seat.

The car started up and Old Time Rock and Roll by Bob Seger started playing, the Impala driving away from the house and onto the road, trees turning into houses as we passed by.

"We still have holy oil, right?" Dean asked either of us.

"For what?" Sam asked.

"We're gonna have to hit him with everything we've got." Dean said.

"Dean, can we just talk about what happened back there?" Sam said.

"Sure, which part? Let's see, Crowley's dead, Kelly's dead, Cass is.....Mom's gone, and apparently the Devil's kid hit puberty in 30 seconds flat," Dean ranted. "Oh, and tried to kill us."

"Yeah, cuz you tried to shoot him." Sam said.

"I tried to shoot the monster, Sam. That's kind of what we do." Dean told his brother.

"We don't know what he is yet, Dean. And Anna and I had it under control." Sam said.

"Yeah. He was just fine when it was just Sam and I in there." I added.

"I'm sorry, are you two defending the Son of Satan?" Dean asked us.

"We're not defending anything. We're just saying with everything that's happened, I'm obvious spun out also, but we need a plan." Sam said.

"Yeah, kill him! Okay? That's the plan. Right now we need to find him and end him before she hurts anybody else." Dean said.

"No. No, we can't kill Jack." I said.

"I'm sorry, so the Devil's Spawn has a name, now?" Dean looked at me in the mirror. "And why are you defending him? His father killed your mother—"

"Dean." Sam warned, shaking his head, but Dean went on.

"You should have reason to kill him most." Dean said.

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