how its like to be loved by me

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"You know, you shouldn't be staying with Yeong anymore."

Jungwon mentally sighed as he stared straight into Juyoung's eyes.

"We're literally neighbours." he deadpanned.

Lee Juyoung was Yeong's boyfriend of 10 months. Jungwon never liked him, for he was unreasonable and had always been controlling of Yeong's life. Yeong wasn't someone who could put up with that, so she frequently went over to Jungwon's to vent her frustration during their common arguments.

Maybe love really is blind. Jungwon did not see any reason as to why Yeong wanted to stay with this kind of guy.

Especially when he's right there.

Jungwon and Aeyeong had been best friends since a young age. They grew up with each other and saw each ugly lie, hard times, and thrived together in their prime.

He still remembered how much shorter he was in his pre-teen days compared to Aeyeong. But now, they were 19 and in their first year of college, Jungwon being almost a head taller.

"She stays at yours more often than she stays at mine. Her boyfriend's. Do you not see how fucked up that is?"

Jungwon poked the insides of his cheek.

"Then stop giving her reasons to cry and needing my comfort."

His heart hurts while his mind was filled with anger. Does he not see what he does to her? Does she not see what he does to her?

Jungwon wouldn't deny that there are times Juyoung is a great boyfriend. He saw how happy his dear friend was with him. But recently, things tumbled down a cave. To put it simple, the two were just not compatible at all. Their mindset, environment, goals, and lifestyle are all completely different.

While Yeong and Jungwon grew up with privileged families, Juyoung did not. That led to Yeong having to pay for him for the majority whenever they do go out. She never having experienced having her partner pay for her and getting spoilt.

But that wasn't the issue. The issue was Juyoung being slightly controlling in the way she spends her money. There were times where Yeong just felt like Juyoung took her paying for him for granted and as a given. He never complained about her splurging on him. At the start of the relationship, yes, but someone seems to be getting too comfortable and entitled in Jungwon's eyes.

But as she would always say. "Its fine, to me, if I could buy time with money I would. Because memories are very important to me."

It wasn't only about the money. Jungwon didn't know if it just happened, or because this was Juyoung's true self, but he's changed since the start of the relationship to now. For the worst.

Disrespecting, demanding, sometimes unreasonable to Jungwon's logic. It was smooth sailing until two months ago. Because of the growing issues from family and college, Yeong has tossed her relationship issues to the back of her mind, not really wanted to deal with an additional issue from an important thing in her life.

But Jungwon knew everything. Because the second a fight has happened, he would be the first to know. She would turn to him first.

His knows his best friend. She wasn't someone who likes to put out her problems onto others, no matter how close. She's stubborn, and likes to try and solve the issue by herself to not spread the burden.

Yeong will only come to him when she almost hits rock bottom. And with the amount of times she has knocked on Jungwon's door the past few weeks either in anger or tears, Jungwon just couldn't respect Juyoung as her boyfriend anymore.

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