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3rd person pov:

Jungkook takes the note from the doctor and reads it. He finds out he has brain cancer and he doesn't have much time left to live. He found out about his cancer too late and it has already spread too much. "I'm sorry." The doctor says. Jungkook tries not to cry as he folds up the paper and puts it in his grocery bag.

(time skip)

The front door swings open as he sets down the grocery bags near the door. He closes and locks the door and plops himself onto the couch to relax a bit before making dinner. He took out his phone from his pocket and checked the time. 7:50 Tae was about to get home in 10 minutes. He rests for a little bit longer before getting up and starts to prepare dinner with the ingredients he got from the grocery store.

(time skip)

Jungkook sets the pot of soup down onto the counter, he checks the time again. 8:30 "Taes late by 30 minutes.. this is weird.. he's never late." Jungkook thought. "That's fine, I'll just wait for him."

He sits down by the counter and waits.







it was now 9:20. Jungkook had been waiting for 40 minutes. At this time, he started thinking of the worst that could happen to him. He was about to pull out his phone to text Tae, until suddenly the front door opened.

Tae was fine, rather, he looked better than normal. He had a scarf around his neck and a beige coat on. "Tae! Where were you?!" Jungkook jumps up and asks him. "Calm down, I just ate at Min Yoongis place. I don't need dinner. I'll see you upstairs." Tae said coldly whilst taking off his coat. (but not his scarf? 🤨)

Jungkook stood their in sadness and decided to eat dinner alone that day. By the time he got upstairs to his bedroom, Tae was already asleep with the covers all the way up to his head. Which was weird because it's usually up to his waist and he'd wait for JK usually.

time skip to morning

When Jungkook had woke up, Tae was already gone from the bed and off to work. So JK did his usual morning routine as well. 

time skip to nite bc I don't have any ideas lolzies

At this time, Jungkook decided to hide his health so that Tae wouldn't have to worry too much about it. JK thought that Tae would come home late again, but this time, he would come later then usual. he would come home until midnight, when JK was fast asleep.

this kept happening for 2 weeks, Tae wouldn't come home until midnight and he was very distant to JK.

Jungkook got a message from Jimin, "Hey! BTS is meeting up again at _____(diner location) wanna join?" "sure" jungkook replied.

Jungkook became skinnier than usual but other than that he looked fine from the outside. His brain cancer was making him almost bed ridden but it was okay, as long as Tae didn't know..

time skip to when they meet up

The door swung open and everyone greeted JK, everyone was there except for yoongi and Tae, which was so odd. Jimin was the only one standing up by the table while everyone else was sitting down, he walked over to JK and grabbed his arm "Come on sit down!" He said JK feels so thin.. Jimin thought.

They all caught up and later Jimin confronted JK about it but Jk said he was fine..

Tae became so distant to JK that he wouldn't even come home. "I think we should break up." JK texted Tae, but Tae didn't even respond. He was too busy..

Weeks would go by until JK was hospitalized without Tae knowing.

Jk was fast asleep at midnight until his phone vibrated from a text. it was Tae "Kookie, im sorry, please forgive me for neglecting you. I realized yoongi was using me for my body.." but JK didn't reply..

Tae texted others to ask how JK was doing and all of then erupted, "YOU ABANDONED JK AND YOU DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM? YOURE A PIECE OF SHIT!" and more messages were directed to Tae. "but what happened!"


taes heart dropped, he couldn't believe it, the love of his life, Jk, was about to die? Tae rushed to the hospital but by the time he arrived, he was too late, JK died in his sleep by the brain cancer..

"no please.. im sorry.. wake up.. " Tae said with tears streaming down his face.

but he was too late.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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