Again thank you all so much for reading all my imagines and giving amazing feedback!
Well thank you all again so much and please make sure you continue to give me feedback so i can continue to write my imagines!
This imagine is for @LovelyLouLumps .Xx
#Imagine Louis
you and louis first met back in 2011 at one of One Directions Cd signings for Up All Night. You were a really big fan and as soon as you and louis's eyes met it was instant attraction. From then on you and louis were inseparable, and not only were you a big fan, you were the girlfriend of Louis Tomlinson. Now its 2013 you and Lous live in a cozy flat in downtown London and you and louis are going to be celebrating your two year anniversary.
As you wake up on a beautiful saturday morning which was you and Louis's two year aniversary, you roll over and see louis sleeping so peaceful, and looking so beautiful. As you catch a glimpse of him he wakes up and catches you staring at him. "Goodmorning love" he says with a big smile and a sexy morning voce. "Goodmorning lou Bear". Louis loved when you called him that, it was special. As Louis looks at you with his ocean like blue eyes he places the palm of his hand on the side of your face and moves hair away from your cheek with his thumb and says "Happy two year anniversary jen, i love you" with his beautiful British accent. you cant help but smile like a fool and blush. "i love you too Lou Bear, happy two year anniversary". While louis's hand is still gently rested on your face he reaches towards you and gives you a passinate kiss. You and Louis hop out of bed, you are going to take a shower and Louis is going to make your favorite Vanilla tea and his favorite black tea just like very morning. As you're in the shower you cant help but think what louis has planned for you today. He always treated you like a princess, always making you feel so important, and i loved it. Although he treated you like a princess you never take it for granted and you never let the pampering go to your head because even thought being pampered is amazing, Louis's love is all i need. As you get out of the shower wrapped in a towel you notice louis is glancing at you with your tea in his hand with a sneaky grin. "Lou, get out of here" you say with a shy laugh. "This is not fair, you're just so hot" he says as he smiles with an unusual cheeky tone and walks away to put your tea on the table beside your bed and gets dressed. Even though you and Louis have been together for two years and have only lived together for about 6 months you and him have never taken your love and relationsip to the next level. Louis has always known from the begining of your relationsip that you were savng yourself for marrige, and he always respected that which made me feel happy and secure. As you and Louis walk out the door of your flat hand in hand a swarm of paparazzi follow you and louis's every move. Even though the media attention can be a little overwhelming Sometimes you didnt care because louis loved to show you off and that made you happy to know that you were his. As you and louis escape to your car and drive away, Louis takes your hand while he is driving and while he's still focusing on the road he kisses your hand. "I love you Jen, you look beautiful today. " I love you too Lou Bear, you look handsome today" as we are driving to a surprise destination you and louis talk and catch up on the events of the dinner he was at the other night that you couldn't go to because it was more of a boys night out. As he is telling you about the dinner you cant help but just think about how louis is so funny, you loved his smart ass remarks and his amazing sense of humor, its one of the many things you fell in love with. "Babe, where are we going?" you ask. "I can't tell you love, or it wouldn't be a surprise" he says with a beautiful smile. As you and Louis arrive to your surprise destination perfectly just before sunset, you notice you're at a sucluded beautful little park near a cute lake. Not one single paparazzi in sight. As you go to look at louis in awe and approval at this beautiful park and the sweet gesture you see him walk over to the trunk and he pulls out a picnic basket and a blanket. "Hope your hungry love" he says. As You and louis walk over to the middle of the park he hands you one single beautiful rose. "thank you Lou bear, its beautiful". you lay out the blanket and set up the basket. "Louis, this is amazing" you say with such apprieciation. "Did you expect anything less?" he says in a smart ass way with a harmless smile. Because he knows he always goes above and beyond to make me happy and show some romance. you give his shoulder a little push and you both laugh. As you and louis eat an amazing dinner he had made for you he surprises you with your favorite desert, strawberry shortcake. After you and louis are finished eating you both lay down side by side with your head on louis's chest starring straght ahead at the most bautiful sunset you've ever seen and it just reflecting off the lake in such a beautiful way. By far the best view you have ever seen besides Louis. louis kisses your forehead. you smile and say "Lou Bear, this is perfect, thank you so much, i love you" . Louis looks at you and says " I love you too, love" he says. "Babe you just said love twice in one sentence" you say as you both laugh. As you're cuddling with louis, you look up at him and your eyes meet. you see his beautiful blue eyes starring at you. "you're so beautiful love, i couldn't think of any place i'd rather be rite now then with you" he says as your stomach overwhelmingly fills up with butterflies. Then as you both sit up louis takes your hand and and he starts to get up but then he kneels down on one knee. your heart is beating fast like a train and you can't belive what is about to happen. "Jennifer, i love you so much and these past two years have been amazing. you put up with me being gone for months at a time, my cazy fans, and the fame. you truly are amazing" as his eyes leaves your eyes he leans down for what you think he is going to reach for then he reaches to roll up the bottom of his pants instead, teasing me because you and him both know what he is reaching for. this is one of the many reasons why you love him, he can be serious and romantic but he alays has a way of keeping it fun and silly. He laughs and instead reaches for his back pocket and takes out this beautiful powder blue box, which reads 'Tiffany and Co' your eyes widen and your heat is almost exploding. Before he opens the box he says "Jennifer, will you please, marry me" he says in his contagious, adorable accent. you Gasp and your heart flutters he opens the box and you see the most beautiful ring . and you reach out to hug him and you say "YES LOUIS, OF COURSE I WILL" Louis says "YES" and you share the most passionate kiss you've ever shared with louis so far in your relationshp ever. As you both brake the kiss louis takes the most beautiful ring you've ever seen out of the Tiffany and Co box and places it on your ring finger. You hold out your hand and stare at this ring in complete awe. The ring is beautiful and its the exact ring you've always wanted. you were so shocked and happy that All those side conversations you had with him and all your friends about the dream ring you wanted that he was actually listening and that he remebered. it was a beautiful Silver, diamond infinity ring. "I'm willing to spend forever with you love" he says and you both share another passionate kiss as the sun continues to set.
(The ring)
I really hope you all loved this one because I know I sure did! I enjoyed writing this, and I hope to get a lot of positive feedback. Thank you all so much .Xx