Jun and Saionji </3 (marble game)

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Saionji's POV:

The speakers just announced a partner game. What type of game is about to fall before us? Is it a game where me and my partner of choice have to compete against every other partner group? The others might just have me beat. The other contestants seem much stronger then what meets the eye. For example I never knew Skyro had the brains and the brawn, she basically carried her team to victory during tug of war, and my team barely survived thanks to Werastid. So what do I make of this, what if its a dual fight to the death? horrible. I can feel my body almost shutting down before I felt a soft hand on my shoulder.

3rd person POV:

Jun put his hand on Saionji's shoulder, giving her a warm smile.

"Hey! I'm surprised you didn't pair up with Knox, then again she did literally run right past both me and you and went straight to Karma once the announcement went off." He laughs before sitting next to Saionji to try and ease her mind.

"Hey, I know this whole thing is...scary. Don't worry bae, we'll do great! Even though we literally almost had a panic attack cause we thought we'd have to go against Skyro's team of literal beasts-" he fake shivers before laughing more in attempt to make Saionji calm down and have an better mindset. Saionji laughed along with the cotton candy haired boy.

"Alright, alright, I'm gonna cut to the chase. Me and you, lets do this!" Jun cheers as he held out his hand for Saionji to hopefully take.

Saionji happily takes Jun's hand before shaking it. "Yes, Lets wipe out the others! well, the others excluding the little love birds." Saionji mumbles while pointing at Knox and Karma.


The players were escorted to a room that eerily resembles their neighborhood back home, strange. As they were lined up by the pink suited figures they quickly learned what the game truly was. They were to be pinned against each other, 10 marbles each . First to get 20 would win. Horrible, these people knew everyone would chose someone close to them, what would come of this revelation? Oh dear. Oh dear.

Jun and Saionji turn to look at each other, the two knew it in each other's eyes. They would fight over who was going to make it out alive, and neither wanted it to be themselves. Everyone else started panicking, some of them chose their siblings, their lovers, their best friends. It's not fair, its truly not fair. How could they be so evil to pin two people that love and care about against each other, its pure evil.

Jun broke the silence with an apology. "Saio, I'm so sorry. I should've let you just go out and pick someone.." Jun holds his head down in shame.

"Jun, please don't blame yourself. You didn't know this would happen." Saionji pats his back in attempts to comfort him.

Jun brings Saionji into a tight embrace, laying his head on her shoulder.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you, alright Saionji? You're going to get out of here!" Jun cries out, hugging Saionji tighter through every word.

Saionji softly smiles, knowing this will be the last time Jun would hold her like this. She hugs him back, they stay in this position for a long time, they would've stayed there forever if it wasnt for the hour time limit. 25 minutes left before one life ends, and one life gets changed forever. The thought would make anyone feel horrible, but there was no time for that. The new question is what sort of competition with the marbles would be worth the priceless reward of life?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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