CHAPTER 1! funny to watch them huff and complain about being two feet away

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god, the phone was the root of all of her personal problems.

when you raise a kid, (and you don't do a good job at all) and they have unlimited internet access; they get really fucked up, by like, the age of 10.

despite being surrounded by horrible things, she had a permanent smile etched on to her face like a tattoo.

she wanted to support everyone.

she loved other people. she was constantly kind, and doing things for others.

most of all, she wanted validation.

it's why she was so smart.

so smart, but so fucking stupid.

she had gone up a few grades and was a freshman in high school.

she quickly became friends with maddy, who was determined to protect her from the fucked up ways of high school.

maddy stared at herself in the mirror. "do you think my areolas look weird?"

"no." kat said, staring at her phone.

"but like, the edges, though." maddy questioned.

"maddy, your nipples look fine." cherry reassured, not even looking up from her math homework.

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