Chapter 2

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I felt myself being lifted off my feet.

I could hear and comprehend everything at the moment, but I couldn't move or speak. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

I was aware that I was being carried outside of Starbucks. How did people not care that a random girl was being carried out of Starbucks by 5 random guys?

Because they were famous. It was like One Direction gets a free pass no matter what they are doing.


I tried stopping the boys, mumbling something even incoherent sounding to myself.

"Shh," Liam hushed me.

Who was carrying me? I tried to look, but my neck wouldn't move. Just great.

I'm weak. I'm vulnerable. I'm putty in their hands. To another spy, I'm a fail.

A car pulled up in front of the cafe, and the boys and I went inside of it.

Where was I going?

Why did they take me?

"Alright, listen love, we know you can hear us-" Louis began.

"Oh. My. God." Harry repeated over and over, his face resting in his hands.

Was I sitting on Niall's lap?

"There's nothing we can do now," the person holding me sturdy in their lap said. Irish accent. Yup, it was Niall, and he was obviously referring how the car we're in was already swerving through traffic.

"Does anyone else feel like they're going to throw up?" Zayn asked from the back.

I heard some groans in agreement.

Why kidnap someone, only to regret it moments later?

"Alright. We're gonna bring you to a house. Almost like a summer house. Please don't try to run away. That will only result in you getting hurt. We have weapons. The rest of the boys haven't kidnapped someone in a LONG time. That's why they're feeling all these indecisive thoughts. They'll come around soon. I promise," Louis said. I could just picture him smiling evilly while saying this.

So was he the big, bad one of the group?

Or when the rest of the boys "come around," should I be concerned about someone else?

Concerned? What am I talking about? I'm an ex-spy. I can handle myself. Sure I haven't trained in a year, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. Right?

"Coming around. Feeling tough. Feeling badass." Harry stated, as if when he said it, he would become it.

"Don't try too hard, Styles," Louis said, patting Harry on the back.

Harry's jaw clenched, as he looked at Louis. Despite their age, Harry was the bigger of the two boys. And what did Louis do? Laughed. Laughed right in Harry's face. And Harry didn't do one thing about it.

"Alright boys. Let's not get too angry now," Liam said, a bit nervously, I noticed.

Why were all these boys so on edge if they're used to do something like this?

"We've done bad things before. We've robbed people and places, we've done some drug dealing, and guess what? We've even killed people," Louis explained.

How could One Direction uphold such a perfect image?

Five, innocent boys, that sing and give back to people in need.

Not five criminals that sell drugs and murder people.

"Why would you tell her that?" Zayn asked.

"She going to be around us a lot. We might as well inform her before we get to the house," Louis answered.

"Can you hear us?" Niall questioned, peering down at me with bright blue eyes.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. My lips tried to form words, but there was absolutely no sound created.

"It's the drug Harry put in her drink. She'll be back to normal in no time," Louis excitedly told everyone.

I was able to look at Harry afterwards, without moving my head. I'm sure he could see the disgust in my eyes. Our eyes met, but he quickly looked away. Proving to met that he indeed, did see how I was offended.

There you go thinking someone helped you out, even though you thought it was wrong, and bought you a drink. Turns out they spiked it?! People now-a-days...

I wasn't in a good position to look out the window, so I had no idea where we were. When the car came to a screeching stop in front of a house, Louis payed the driver some money, and then we all got out.

Niall still had to carry me.

This was a great start to a great day. Don't ya think?



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