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Sonja POV
Finally L.A! Is all that I can think of. I've been saving up money to move to L.A for three years now, I worked a stupid job at The Source (the Radio Shack of Canada) and quit last week. Once I was off the plane I drove to the house I'm renting, it was 20 minutes away form the air port. Once I was there I walked up to the front door,there was a note. It was just from the movers saying that my key is in the mall box and my stuff is inside.
I say out loud and unlock my door, in the process I trip over a box. Then I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in."
I say while I scramble to my feet. When the door opens a see a handsome guy that has blue hair,holding some keys.
"You left your keys in the door."
They handsome blue haired man says in his british ascent handing me my keys.
"Thank you, I'm Sonja Reid."
I tell him as I grab an Arizona from my bag.
" I'm Thomas Cassell, I just wanted to welcome you to L.A, so welcome to L.A!"

Sorry this is so short I'm new to this so I'll make the next chapter longer I promise byee!

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