1 - Disunity

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The victory celebration felt... colorless. 

Lolbit contemplated the events of the almost distant past. Yandon. A.R.K. Stonehenge. Squidy

Despite Combo's best efforts, he knew that Lolbit could never get over her. Mechy. Although Lolbit saw the bright colors of the festival. He could never seem to understand it now. It had been two years since the Light goddess was thrown into a void. Her dark machinations impeded permanently. 

Her zealots now hide in the wilderness. Praying that their goddess would return to save them. However, even them knew that death was permanent. Even for a goddess. Permanent. Yandon. A.R.K. Stonehenge. Squ-

No. No. He could not- He would- He NEEDED to forget her. Reminding himself of his... his failure to save her was not healthy. It just wasn't. 

That day. That terrible, evil day. The day he lost his best friend. He remembers her last words to him as she sacrificed herself to save them. All of them. 

"I'll see you soon. L-Love." 

Her words felt genuine. Like she had planned to say them beforehand. Perhaps she did plan those words. He wished she never said them. 

Although, she was the only way they could beat the Vixen. Her letting go allowed Yandon to tumble into the void. Along with herself. She was a hero. No one could deny that.

As the new annual victory celebrate began to die down, Lolbit remained. Looking up at the spoils in the sky. His days of treasure hunting were over. Without her, it never felt the same. Finding that perfect yellow pail... was without color. 

He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You okay Bit?" 

It was Combo.  Combo was a good friend, perhaps even a great one. After...  her death. Combo helped Lolbit the best he could. He tried to fill the same hole that Squidy once filled. It was never enough for him though. 

"Yeah. I'm fine," Lolbit said sighing, "Thanks Combo."

"Thinking about... it again?" Combo said with slight depression.

"Y-yeah. I am."

"You did the best you could Bit. She sacrificed herself. It wasn't your fault." 

Lolbit's eyes flared in some sort of passion, "It was my fault! I should have saved her. I could have!"

"I'm sorry Lolbit. But in all honesty, you need to get over her. She's gone. She's not coming back."

Lolbit realized his anger and calmed himself. "I-I'm sorry man. I just..." He sighs, "I know you're right. I need to move on."

With those words, Lolbit walked into the night as the moon illuminated the island. There had to be some way to bring her back. There had to. He wasn't going to fail her. Not again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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