The bar

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The bar, like every time after they'd had a serious call that ended well, was packed full of people. The 118 and 142 had both been called to a small fire at the hospital inside the NICU unit, thankfully there were no casualties.

Eddie had insisted that him and his old army buddy Evie sat together to catch up, leaving Evan and Corinne to sit their awkwardly as both of them tried to figure out how to start the conversation.

They had helped each other out on the call, passing babies to the other firefighters outside. It was hard, and, in both of their opinions, the worst part of the job seeing so many kids so helpless in these situations.

"So you're the daredevil?"  They said in unison, before laughing slightly and both saying "yup", while shaking their heads.

"Weren't you also the firefighter that got his leg stuck under a truck and then got lost in a tsunami" Cori asked bluntly

Buck sighed as he took another sip of his drink, "unfortunately, you the one that had a building collapse on you and then get in a crash while trying to drive yourself to the hospital?"

"Also yes. But I'm okay now, I'm kind of in this Cori 3.0 thing where I don't sleep with every hot person I look at, while also trying to not die every single time I go out on a call and also going to therapy for a lot of different shit."

Buck sat back in his seat and stared at her, "woah, I'm doing the exact same thing! Except ya know, Buck 3.0, obviously" he said, both of them leaning forward, as Evie and Eddie laughed at them somewhere in the distance.

'She's nice.'   Buck thought to himself as he stared at her blonde hair.

'He's sweet.'  Cori thought to herself, grateful that he actually seemed to be listening to her an not just staring at her boobs or her lips.

They continued talking for a little longer, before deciding to drive to Cori's place for some peace and quiet.

"Wait you're leaving the 142? Why?"

Cori sighed, pulling down her hair as she explained "I'm 29, I've been a firefighter for four years and yet my entire team is full of sexist assholes and I'm sick of it, so I've decided to transfer to the 118. Well, everyone on my team except for my captain Bobbie, Henry, Haley, Alberta and obviously Evie."

"Well, while that sucks, it's good to know that another badass firefighter is joining the 118, so cheers to that."

Just then, without thinking, they kissed.

The next morning, as they both say at coris kitchen table, eating waffles and talking like they didn't have the best sex of their lives last night, they knew that Buck 3.0 and Cori 3.0 were both definitely over, but they did they regret it?

No, not really.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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