shut the hell up tor-tit-suka

369 24 1

Saiki sighed.

He honestly didn't expect to have to deal with this tonight. Not that it was a terrible end to a terrible day, it was just an unexpected event on an average day.

(Not so average anymore, he thinks.)

That's beside the point, though, as he looks down at his issue.

It's a scene straight out of a romance manga, and Saiki didn't know how to deal with it. They were sitting on the floor in front of his bed, some stray papers and video games strewn across the floor, and Saiki's glasses were right next to them.

Kaidou was straddling him, asleep, with his arms around his neck and softly breathing into his chest. His extremely light blue hair was messy and tousled, and his outfit was all wrinkled and dirty from the day. Saiki had to admit to himself that it was an adorable sight.

(Though he would prefer it if Kaidou wouldn't drool on his shirt, it was fine. It was one of his older, trashier shirts anyway.)

Saiki had one of his hands around Kaidou's waist, rubbing up and down his back slowly, and the other one was combing through his hair, his fingers idly playing with the tresses.

(His hair is soft, and Saiki couldn't help himself.)

It all happened when Kaidou's mom wanted Kaidou to come and study at his house since she was under the impression that he was a genius, and with Saiki's mom being home when Kaidou asked, he was taken upstairs to his room.

When Kaidou is cold, tired, and desperate, he's really clingy, and when one thing leads to another, this was the result. 10 pm, on the floor, with Kaidou on his lap, and while it's not too late, it's still late enough to not expect someone to come bursting through the doors of his home— too bad Saiki could already tell it wasn't gonna work like that.

So when Toritsuka kicked the door open to his room, he wasn't surprised.

"Saiki!! This is important—!"

"Be quiet."


Saiki slightly signaled to the sleeping boy in his lap with a small tilt of his head. "Don't say a word."

At first, Toritsuka didn't catch on—instead looking at Saiki in confusion, but when he finally noticed the other student, he was left gaping.

'Saiki—!! Since when did you—?!'

"Don't ask."

As Saiki spoke, he temporarily removed the hand on Kaidou's back so he could grab his glasses, previously discarded next to him. He tried as hard as he could to not disturb him, but the second his hand lost contact with him, Kaidou let out a high-pitch whine and shuffled around on his lap. Saiki froze immediately.

"Mhm... no..." He mumbled, quiet and soft, as he pulled himself closer to Saiki, holding onto him tighter. Toritsuka watched on in a shocked silence as Saiki resigned his hand back to Kaidou's back, instead just using his powers to drag his glasses to his face with a sigh.

"As you can tell, I'm not in the best condition to move right now."

'I never knew... you were such a player, Saiki-san...!! Or that you were gay!' "Torituska always responded to situations like this (and interrupted them) in the worst way possible. He even smirked at him, adding an 'I guess I've finally rubbed off on you!' Saiki glared at him but didn't make any effort to force him out.

"It's not like that. Now leave before you wake him with your stupidity." Toritsuka winked.

'Now don't do anything to him while he's sleeping--that'll chase him away!'

And in the blink of an eye, or rather, Saiki's eye, Toritsuka was gone. This was one of the few times Saiki accepted his powers as useful when the room descended into silence once again.

Speaking of Kaidou, he was still asleep, and with the previously interrupted silence back, it was easier to simply watch on as he dreamed. His dreams were pretty much what everyone would expect of Kaidou, his fantasies and delusions put into pictures instead of words. All of his dreams would always have at least one of his friends in them, whether it be Saiki himself, Nendo, Kuboyasu, Hairo, or even Teruhashi. It was endearing how high up he put his friends in his mind--even if he did have them ranked based on strength in his fantasy army.

Now, Nendo probably wouldn't like to be told he's in the lower ranks of the "army," but whatever. It's not like Saiki is his "No.2", right-hand man, sidekick character that the main hero has a romance arc with in the 4th book when a potential rival appears to court him.

Totally unrealistic, obviously. (Because anyone that even tries to court Kaidou would always be magically "cured" of all attraction to him by a certain pink-haired psychic--not that he would ever admit it.)

He sighed, closing his eyes in concentration.

And when Saiki quietly tidied up the room with his powers and saw an image of Kaidou and him holding hands and smiling at each other in the boy's dreams, he chose to pretend he didn't see it and pull down a blanket to wrap around them, pulling them even closer.

(And maybe Saiki smiled when he saw them getting closer to each other in Kaidou's dream, bringing each other into an embrace with a small kiss, but he chose to ignore that--and the bubbly, warm feeling in his chest when Kaidou smiled as well.)


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