Part 1

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I've never thought I would make this decision. " it was never about me." I just wish I could take it all back
I wish I could  have make her mine! Shows her that it is ok to love.
Shows her that these guys are just taking advantage of her.
I wish that he would just give up. There's no going back. I don't want that for myself . I just don't! Why can't he get that.
I wish she could be more open with me , more comfortable.
We are too far deep in the future aren't we? Now let's go back to the past where it all begin.

Wednesday morning

"I cannot believe we are going to be seniors" Gina stated excited as I opened the door to the house.

Girls, this year is extremely important, we have to be the baddest for the school year." I stated while getting some juice in the fridge.

"the baddest and the realest " Julissa stated as we all laughed

"Have you hear about Chris? I heard he was kissing Elliot at Rachel's party" said Gina as we all gasped

What the fuck? doesn't he have a girlfriend? ask Julissa as we sat down in the bed .
" oh yeah, Ashley" I said busted out laughing as they laughed with me
" this year guys, we have to try to not fight because...." Julissa said as me and Gina interrupted
"Bad bitches don't fight, we press charges." We all said laughing
I open the tv and I put zombie 3 to watch; when the movie was done it was about 9pm in the night
" I gotta go home boo, I'll see you guys tomorrow."  Said Julissa getting her bag
" I'm gonna go drop her " I said to Gina as Julissa kisses her cheek.
"Byyyyye!" Gina stated as we leave the room
I starts the car after we get in and started driving to Julie's house " can you believe David?, he keeps on calling me none stop!" Said Julie while I was still driving
" you have not block him yet?" I asked as she turned her face looking at be window
It's just, maybe.." she started saying as I interrupted her " Julie no, he cheated on you for Christ sake"I said frustrated
" what if he change for good this time ?" She asked
"Change? Julie once a cheater always a cheater! He ain't gone change" I said to her as I pulled up on her parking lot
" your right!" She said as she open the door " hon! You deserve better than that! Don't make it easy on him and show him what he missed on!" I said to her before she leaves
We kissed each other on the cheeks  after that I waited till she open her door and gets inside " byyye!" I yelled to her
I drive back home and go  inside to see my dad and Gina eating at the table " I was going to wait for you, I promise." She said
Girl I know you do not wait for nobody when it comes to food ."I said as we all laughed
I kissed my dad on the cheeks after that I grab a piece of bread as I left with Gina
" did Julie told you about David ?" I asked her as we are dressing up to go to bed
" she did and I told her that she deserve way better than that" she said to me
" right! He think he can play with her like that! I will cut his balls." I said as we both laugh " me too!" She said continuing laughing
We both close the light and went to sleep after the talk! But I ain't going to lie what if she decided to give him a chance?
The next morning
We wake him two hour early because we have to shower, do our make up which you know takes time
" girls! Get down to eat something!" My dad yelled from the kitchen
" we're coming! " me and Gina said yelling back
It was about 6:20 when we went to the kitchen to get some breakfast which my dad makes fried plantain and egg." We sat down in the table as we started eating " when are you coming back from work dad?" I asked as he put down his folk " about 6:30, did you need me ?" He asked " I don't think" I said
" Mr brown , thank you for the food."  Gina said to my dad
Gina! How many time I gotta tell you that you can call me Sebastian?" My dad said
" can I call you Seb?" She says while looking at me " no problem with that." He said as we hear his phone ringing" I gotta take that." He said leaving
" I'm gonna tell my dad you have a crush on him." I said in a serious voice then we busted out laughing " in a serous note, ur dad is so hot" She said " eww!I yelled " l did not need to hear that." I said as we both laughed about it
"What are you guys laughing about ?" I heard my dad asked " nothing! We both said laughing " I'm going to work now honey ." He said kissing my forehead " see you later dad, love you." I said to him " bye Mr, Seb." Gina yelled
" let's go pick up Julie , shall we ?" I asked as I grab the key " Gina got a crush, and it's my daddd!" I said playful while leaving as we both laughed
I drove to Julissa house which was 15 minutes away! When we get there we saw a car leaving which we had to wait then went in the packing lot" I'm gonna go get her!" Gina said " ok!" I replied back
Gina left the car and I saw her knock on the door ! I decided to get  out of the car  and run to Gina! We saw the door open as she look so beautiful " omgggg, you look so pretty." Me and Gina said " thank you, you guys too." She said as we hug each other
We went to the car after taking some picture and I drive to the school! After I park all of us get out of the car as everyone started starring at us!

What do you guys think of this chapter so far ?
Welcome to Kaylina, Julissa , and Gina world
Do you actually think Gina have a crush on Kaylima dad Sebastian ?
Do you think Julissa going to give David a chance?
Please vote and comments below thank you 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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