My siblings and I just got told we have to move. Our family is not the richest people, we are in fact very, well poor. Well we got evicted from our 3 bedroom apartment.
Packing is the worst, I was trying to get all my breakables together but I broke my grandmother's heart-shaped glass container. In my head *my mom's gonna kill me, I'm never going to be able to do anything*
My mom walked into the room she flipped out on me saying "what the hell, why would you do that." how was I supposed to know that I was going to drop it. I just started to cry in my pillow forgetting to pack, I fell asleep.
The next morning my mom felt sorry for yelling at me. She knew that I didn't even pack my whole room all I packed was breakables, clothes, and my stuff from my desk. I still need to pack everything.
After packing the rest of my room I go to the moving truck and put all my boxes in the very back. Then I start to think.
What if no one wants to be friends with a homeschooled freak like me. Here in New York I have a little bit of friends but they can be very fake.