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When she woke up, all she heard was loud TV. She was swatting her shriveled hair only to see an outline of a velvet white room. She did not where this place was or what was going on. Rummaging through expensive furniture, she ran straight for the bathroom. She found a mirror, took one look, understood and said one thing, "I'm old."

Countless thoughts overcame her being. She examined herself from top to bottom. She still had those hazel eyes, lightly brown hair and a petite nose. Excitement ultimately paved in when she noticed she looked hot. She had a lean body, quite tall and a mesmerizing figure. "Way to work out, girl!" She mumbled to herself. But quickly, she searches for some proof, some ID that will verify this crazy coincidence. She had no bag but then she remembered, the TV was on. Grabbing the remote, she hurriedly switched on the TV and scanned through the channels until she settled on a local news TV.

"We are now live in the penthouse in Riala Residences, the home of the hottest celebrity chef right now. Straight from winning the first Masterchef cooking competition, Ms. Jane Gonzales. How does it feel to be the first local winner of the biggest cooking show franchise in the world?" The reporter asked.

"It feels surreal. It feels just like yesterday that I was a homecook taking care of my little sister in a rundown apartment in the countryside. Compared to that, this feels like heaven."

Hearing herself on TV was a mix of emotions. There was delight, confusion but ultimately, enlightened to one truth. This body is hers, Jane Gonzales. 

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