First Hogsmeade Visit

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Emma's POV

"Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect
poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again" McGonagall tells us. As Fay, Parvati and I hand our permission slips to Mr Filch.

Harry approaches Professor McGonagall. "No permission form. No visiting the Village. That's the rule, Potter" she reminds him.

"Yes, Professor, but I thought if you said I could go..." Harry tries to persuade her.

"But I don't say so. A parent or guardian must sign, and since I am neither, it would be inappropriate" she explains. She then gives him a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, Potter. But that's my final word" she tells him.

"All those with permission slips follow me, those without stay put" Mr Filch states. I look at Harry with Ron and Hermione.

"Forget about it guys, see you later" he tells us. Before returning to the castle. I leave with Hermione and Ron. As they talk about what to bring back for Harry. Mostly sweets.

"So where to first?" I ask Ron and Hermione.

"We can't decide, I want to go to the Post Office" Hermione tells me.

"But that'll be boring, Zonko's would be more fun" Ron states.

"What do you think Emma?" Hermione asks me.

"Dervish and Banges" I tell them. "It's a wizard equipment shop, next to Honeyduke's" I state.

"Fine by me" Hermione states. "Ron?" she asks.

"Yeah, then we can go get the sweets for Harry" he states. We all agree. Filch leaves us when we reach Hogsmeade. I lead the way to Dervish and Banges. We enter to see a variety of things, from binoculars and scales. To Sneakoscopes and crystal balls. We went down every aisle. Ron got nothing, but I got a new telescope for Astronomy and Hermione got a new star chart.

Afterwards we went to Honeydukes. Where we got chocolate frogs, Bertie Box of Beans, sugar quills, fudge flies, cauldron cakes, fizzing wizzfizz, Pepper Imps, droobles and a bar of their homemade chocolate. Staying away from things like Cockroach Cluster and blood pops. After that we went to Zonkos, where only Ron and I got a few things.

Then after that, we went to the Post Office. Which Hermione was amazed by. When we left though, we were feeling a little cold. "I know just the place to go, follow me" I tell them. I lead them to the three broomsticks.

"Great, we can try butter beer. Fred and George say it's great" Ron states.

"We can also have lunch" Hermione adds. We get a table for three. We each got a butter beer, Ron had bangers and mash. Hermione got Shepherd's pie and I had a roast chicken salad. After we finished at the three broomsticks, we went to the herb shop. Followed by Tomes and Scrolls.

Before we decided it was time to return to the castle. However, along the way I spotted two familiar figures in the tree line. "You guys go a head, I just saw Fay" I tell them. They nod their heads and left. I go to the treeline. "Hello Coal, Loki" I say and the two dogs greet me happily. Sniffing for treats. "No food, I'm afraid boys" I tell them.

They whine, giving me puppy dog eyes. "Not my fault, if you stayed at home with mum. You wouldn't be so hungry" I tell them. Mum got permission for Dumbledore for them to stay. But no one can know.

"Good thing I have food then" George states startling me.

"Don't do that!" I snap hitting his arm. He chuckles.

"So been up to anything lately?" he asks me.

"Maybe" I say as he gives the dogs a plate of chicken tenders each.

"Oh do tell" he says.

"I maybe making a potion in secret" I tell him.

"What sort of potion?" he asks me curious.

"Well if I succeed in what I'm trying to do, you'll be the first to know" I tell him.

"Ok then, don't tell me" he says. "Want to walk back together?" he asks me.

"Of course" I say. We head back to the castle the happy dogs following us. "So where's Fred? You guys don't seem to be joined to the hip anymore" I state.

"He's with Lee, enjoying a final butter beer before returning to the castle. I saw you alone heading for the trees. So got some chicken tenders and came after you. Thinking you were seeing those two" he explains nodding to the dogs. "Surprised they haven't moved into the common room yet" he states.

"Professor Dumbledore said they could stay, as long as no other student found out about them. You will keep this a secret, right?" I ask him.

"Of course" he says slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"And I though you had taste Vane" a voice sneers. George and I turn to see Draco glaring at us.

"Hi Draco, long time no see" I state. "How's your arm?" I ask him.

"Like you care" he states.

"Watch your tone Malfoy" George tells him.

"George it's fine, we're friends" I assure him. "Look Draco, I know we haven't hung out much this week. But you cancelled first and I've been busy. How about we catch up tomorrow?" I suggest.

"Like I'd like to hang out with you" he sneers. Before storming off.

"That was strange" I say with a frown.

"You're actually friends with Malfoy?" George asks me.

"I thought we were, I mean we've hung out a few times. He even invited me to go to Hogsmeade with him today. But I already had plans with Hermione and Ron. Which I told him about" I state.

"He's not worth it" George tells me. "Want to sit with Fred and I at the feast?" he asks.

"Nah, promised Fay I'd sit with her" I tell him. "Thanks for walking me back" I add as we reach the castle gates. I look around to say goodbye to the dogs, but they are no where in sight. "Strange, the dogs are gone" I state.

"I'm sure they're fine" he assures me. "Anyway, enjoy the feast" he tells me. I nod my head and we enter the castle. He left for the common room, no doubt to put his purchases away. While I entered the great hall and sat beside Fay. We started to talk about our respective Hogsmeade visits. She recommended I go to the Shrieking Shack next time.

Romilda joins us and I give her some sweets from Honeydukes. The feast begins and we eat. Each telling each other about our day. After dessert we returned to the common room together. Where I helped Romilda with her home work and did mine. Before we called it a night.


Picture above Emma with Hermione and Ron, picture on the external link of the Three Broomsticks entrance.

Emma Melody Vane: Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now