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Disclaimer: The characters and background story in this narrative are the rightful property of the TV series "THE UNTAMED." However, it's crucial to note that the plotline presented here is an original creation by me.

You may come across certain dialogues borrowed from "THE UNTAMED." Rest assured, this isn't an act of plagiarism but a deliberate utilization of these dialogues to enhance the authenticity of my storyline.

Your understanding in this matter is appreciated, and I affirm that the essence of this narrative remains rooted in my unique interpretation and storytelling.


"Lan Zhan, don't hold on—let me fall.
I've carried too much, I've lost it all.
The darkness calls, but don't you grieve—
This path was mine, I chose to leave.

The world will say I walked astray,
But you, Lan Zhan, you saw the grey.
You held my hand when others fled,
And now, my friend, my blood is shed.

They'll say I'm wrong, that black is sin,
But even now, as the night closes in,
I know that light has shadows, too,
And even darkness held the truth.

Your hand, so steady, grips my own,
But some roads, Lan Zhan, are walked alone.
Don't blame yourself for what I've done,
This was the battle I never won.

The wind is cold, the edge is near,
Yet in your eyes, I see the fear.
But you must live, and I must go—
The world can't bear what we both know.

I've fallen far, I've paid the cost,
In every step, I found what's lost.
But now my story's at its end,
Let go, Lan Zhan—don't let me bend.

I'm not the light you tried to save,
I walk the line between the brave
And those who lost the will to fight.
In this, I choose the endless night.

But know this, Lan Zhan—before I leave,
In every shadow, I still believe
That somewhere deep, beyond this strife,
You were the one who gave me life.

So let me go, let me descend—
This is the last, the final end.
The grey between, the black and white—
It's not for me to claim the light.

In your heart, remember me,
But Lan Zhan, now, you must be free.
For in this fall, I find my peace,
Let go, my friend... and my release." 

Wei Wuxian's voice trembled as he spoke, his words carrying the weight of his final truth, the weight of his soul laid bare to the one person who had ever truly seen him for what he was. The words floated on the winds of the battlefield, reaching only Lan Wangji's ears as he held on with all his strength, his wounded arm trembling from the effort.

The battlefield was chaos, but to Lan Wangji, all of it seemed distant—the clashing of swords, the shouts of warriors, and the haunting cries of the fallen. His focus was singular. There, at the very edge of the cliff, Wei Wuxian dangled precariously, one hand barely holding on, his body weak, his spirit shattered. Blood dripped from Lan Wangji's own wounded arm as he held on to Wei Ying with everything he had left in him.

"Wei Ying! Wei Ying!" His voice trembled, not from pain, but from fear. He couldn't lose him. He couldn't. "Don't leave me. Please, Wei Ying, don't leave me here. Not like this. Not in this world... without you."

Lan Wangji's voice was a desperate plea, each syllable a prayer, as if saying Wei Ying's name could tether him to life, keep him from plunging into the darkness below. His grasp on Wei Ying's hand tightened, though his strength was waning.

Through the blood and the pain, Wei Wuxian smiled, a small, tired smile that did not reach his eyes, filled with both affection and an unspoken resignation. He looked up at Lan Wangji, his voice soft but carrying the weight of a thousand memories. "When the world showered me with praise, when I was at the height of my power... only you dared to scold me." His breath hitched, as if the next words were harder to say. "And now... now when the world wants nothing more than my death... you alone, Lan Zhan, stay by my side."

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