Full Metal BlueCast!

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I'd also like to point out that this is an alternate universe/non-canon side story, like 'Rocky & Veronica's Excellent Adventure'.

With that out of the way, character role call!!!

Stefanie: A 19 year old loud mouth, TV addicted, lazy little shit that doesn't care about anyone but herself and Rocky, her best friend. While she may have a petite and innocent arau to her, she's anything but.

Rocky: An 18 year old super genius who only wants to take over the world, but whose inventions always fuck up in the end. In the meantime he helps out the only person he cares about and childhood best friend, Stefanie, with their job defeating ghosts and protecting E City.

JeriBlue (no not a self-insert, he's simply named after my username/company): A strict 18 year old who's somehow Rocky & Stefanie's boss, but who does have a soft and sweet side that often shows in his encouragement and adoration of his fellow colleagues and friends.

Full Metal BlueCast!


E City, a cesspool of sex, violence and general dipravity. Around every corner there could be a crackhead trying to sell you blow and cocaine that'll get you more higher than a fuckin' Good Year float.
But throughout the crazy shit that conspires here there is one constant, the many invasions and terorizations of evil ghosts. But while things may be bleak, there are two people who can always save the day.

Rocky! And!! Stefanie!!!

The loud snoring and the clanking of nails and hammers filled the apartment walls where Rocky & Stefanie reside.
Within these morning hours a loud and booming but slightly high pitched voice blew through those sounds.
"ROCKY!!! STEFANIE!!! GET YOUR STUPID ASSES OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" JeriBlue screamed. He was standing on a small pedestal in front of a brown worn out couch. A minute passes and nothing.
He pulls out a small rectangular controller with a giant red button on it and jams his finger into it.
Suddenly Rocky and Stefanie plop onto the couch, with Rocky still holding his wrench and hammer and Stefanie still in her pajamas.

"How are you this morning Rocky?" JeriBlue asks, as he does every morning.
"What do you think? I was in the middle of creating my next great invention to rule over this miserable world!" He replies angrily. He puts away his wrench and hammer, as they also double as his weapons of choice.

"And you, Stefanie?" JeriBlue questions.
Rocky lifts his arm with a clenched fist and slams it on Stefanie's head, suddenly waking her out of her deep slumber.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? I was sleeping you dick sucking ass fucker!" She yelps. She looks around hazily and rolls her eyes when she spots JeriBlue in front of her.

"Ugh! Why do you always have to wake me up so god damn early, what part of 'I have a fucking hangover every morning' do you not understand?!" She turns to Rocky,
"And I don't appreciate you hitting me to wake me! Watch out or else I'll strike!" She teases.

"I don't give a shit about your god damn hangover, you have a fuckin' job to do you hoe!" He snaps, he pulls out a small piece of paper, the word "PRISON" is written on it.
"A secondary source has brought me this hint as to where our ghost might be! Rumor has it that it is disguised as an inmate or guard in the E City prison, terrorizing and brutally murdering fellow inmates and guards. As such, I have prepared a little arrangement for you two:
Go undercover as inmates and find out who the fuck the ghost is! You will be provided with the necessary resources to make sure nothing will happen to you in the prison. So don't worry about being down and dirty after dropping the soap! As soon as you find out the identity of the ghost, alert a guard immediately and they will provide you with your weapons!"

Rocky & Stefanie With JeriBlue!Where stories live. Discover now