First Meeting

86 1 7

Lucia pov

*Amelia walked into the store with a balaclava over her face and gun in her hand*
A:Everyone lay down and hands on the back!!! RIGHT NOW!
*Amelia said while pointing gun at people*

*I just was about to rob this same market so seeing there Amelia surprised me a lot*

*Amelia just started quickly putting all the money into the bag*

*when i saw that green haired girl putting money in to her bag i quickly run over to cash and do the same thing*

*When Amelia see Lucia do that she got pissed off and pushed her away. She quickly took Lucia's bag and left the shop while showing Lucia middle fingers*
A:Find different show for yourself, sucker!

L:HEY! WHAT THE FUCK?! *i scream and quickly start running after amelia to catch her*

*Amelia went to the forest where she had hers secret underground base. She went there quickly, hoping no one saw her*

*i run in to the forest looking for amelia*
L:Ugh where is that bitch
*i said to my self*
*i take off mask from my face because there was no one there so they can't recognize me*
*i notice a entry to some underground base*
*I decide to go down there and cheek it*

*When Amelia heard steps, she quickly turned around and pressed gun against Lucia's face*
A:What the fuck are you doing here?! Get out!

*i look at her not being scared that she is pointing a gun against my face*
L:Listen bitch i don't have time for this give me whats mine

A:That's not yours...I was there first if you didn't see!
*She pressed the gun even harder against Lucia's forehead*
A:And don't call me bitch! I just took what's mine!

L:Listen princess i'm not scared of you, i really don't give a fuck that you was there first just give me my money back or else
*i take my knife out and press it on amelia throat*
L:One of us gonna end up dead.

A:Well...I am also not scared of you, you piece of I am asking politely on more time...get the fuck out of here!

*i quickly kick amelia hand where she been holding a gun so the gun fall of amelia hand*
*i take her by her collar and lead her on a wall still pressing knife to her throat* L:Are you sceard now princess?
*i look in to her eyes giving her dead stare*

*She just smiled at Lucia*
A:You think I am scared to die? Hell no....this doesn't scare have to try harder to make me get afraid...
*She smirked and quickly took normal kitchen knife from the side and stuck it into Lucia's hand hard, making hers knife fall down*

*surprised that amelia is still not scared*
L:Im not leaving without my money.

A:And I am not letting you do that....
Dammit just get the fuck out! You won't make me leave just by trying to scare me by using a knife so better just leave...and let someone better have this money..

L:You mess with a wrong person princess.
*i stop holding amelia collar*

A:Huh I do?
*She just laughed*
A:I don't think so...

*i take my knife from a ground*
L:And don't forget that now i know where your hiding spot is. i'm gonna get my money back one way or another~

A:Yeah yeah ofc...visit me anytime you want..
*She rolled her own eyes*

*Lucia think: UGH FUCK HOW IS SHE NOT SCARED YET, okey lucia calm down you just have to find her soft spot..*
L:Ugh im gonna come back...and im gonna get my money

A:Okay...pfff if you really need to
*She laughed*
A:Can you just leave my place already?

*I show amelia middle finger and walk out of her underground base*

*Amelia also showed Lucia middle finger when she was leaving and giggled*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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