Author: DanMSB
Book: Madness Multiverse Reaction
This book is a reaction book of all of the Main Mini Fics I will be writting. This will include: "House of M: A Magic Web" and other Mini Fics in which are already published or in the process of being written.
This book has already been publish with my blessing.
The story itself is written in Spanish, but the reaction to my books are still in English. My friend has done this out of respect for my work, something that I greatly appreciate.
The direction of the story is unknown for this moment. I have given Dan the liberty to do whichever he wants as long as he doesn't change anything from the Mini Books itself. Apart from that, he may add anything he may want.
Zeckromizder's Friends
RandomThks book is being made to show everyone of who is working with me on various Books and people who I have allowed to use my ideas for any book that they are currently writting.