Chapter 1

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       The office was cold. It smelled like the same vanilla musk candle that Alia burned at her desk every day, even though she knew it was against the rules. The sound of the tin foil from Mike's lunch being crumpled was the only sound other than Kalin's voice beside me.

"I'm sure you'll get a good story soon." She reassured me, though she wasn't even looking at me as she said it. She was eagerly typing away on her computer, working on the story she had been given the week before. A law scandal in Daytona. I so desperately wished Ian would give me a story like that- or honestly just a story at all. I was the only one in the office who hadn't gotten a good story in months. It just didn't make sense.

"I hope so." I replied to Kalin's comment, but she now had her full focus on her computer screen.

As if on command, Ian's door swung open, disturbing the silence and causing everyone's heads to turn towards him.

"Nadia?" He said, looking at me wearily. "Can you come into my office for a moment, please?"

Well, this is it. I thought. I'm finally being fired. He's realized how useless I am at this job and he's doing away with me once and for all.

Across the room, Peter sang a "you're in troubleee" as I stood up from my chair, frown settling onto my  face. I liked it here. Sure, it wasn't my dream place to be. I was fairly certain all of my work "friends" hated me, and Ian obviously didn't like me enough to keep me there, but I really didn't want to leave.

I ignored Peter and dragged myself into Ian's office, willing myself not to cry when he delivered the news.

The second the door closed behind me, I started pleading.

"Ian, I re-"

"What do you know about the Valcona Vultures?" My boss interrupted.

"The bike gang?" I asked, confused. Truth be told, I knew nothing about them other than that.

"So you know of them?" Ian asked, and I hesitantly nodded. "Good, because they're your next story."

"What?" I asked, barely processing. "I'm not getting fired?"

"Fired?" Ian stifled a laugh. "Nadia, you're one of the best writers we have. I'm not firing you."

"Wh-" I began.

"But I won't hesitate to give this story to Peter if you say 'what' one more time."

I smiled.

"I want to know everything, okay?" Ian continued. "Everything there is to know about these guys. They're allegedly one of the most criminal biker gangs in Florida, so I need you to be careful. I'll give some pepper spray before you go out for examination."

"Where exactly am I going?" I asked, my nerves suddenly returning. I wasn't expecting my first story in months to be so dangerous.

"To start off, I'm sending you to Westerly's. I'm sure you've heard of it. It's a bar on South Crowley Street where all the guys from the gang hang out. I want you to find the leader. All I know is he's some guy they call Hawk. Don't grill him too much. If he won't talk, you go back the next day. These aren't guys you want to mess with."

I nodded. "Westerly's. Got it."

"Tomorrow." Ian added.

"Tomorrow." I repeated.

"I can still give this to Peter." Ian grinned.

"'No! I'll uh... I'll definitely take it. Thank you Ian." I beamed, unable to contain my excitement. I had been waiting so long for a story.

"You've got this, Hartwell." Ian said to me, barely looking up from his papers. "Don't disappoint me."

"I won't!" I exclaimed, heading towards the door. "I promise."

As I came out of Ian's office, closing the door behind myself, I met the curious gazes of my coworkers.

First, there was silence. Then,

"So did he can you?" Peter called from the far side of the room.

"No." I scoffed at him, making my way back to my desk. "Actually, he assigned me a story.

"I told you!" Kalin exclaimed, finally looking up from her computer screen. "What's it on?"

"The Valcona Vultures." I said, fighting to wipe the smile off of my face. I knew they'd all be jealous of this one.

"That biker gang from midtown?" Shelly asked from her side of the room.

"That's the one." I replied, scanning their faces for a response.

"No. Effing. Way." Celia remarked from across the room, popping her gum in her mouth. She was always doing that, like we were in a high school movie and she was Regina George.  "No story in months and then he gives you that? Are you sleeping with him?"

"What the hell, Celia." I said, scrunching my eyebrows together. "First of all, no, but we all know that you are, and second- why is it so difficult for everyone to think that maybe- just maybe! I'm good at my job?"

"If you were good at your job you would have gotten a story three months ago." Celia shot back, but I simply sat up straighter.

"Or maybe." I replied, scooting my chair in closer to my desk. "He saved the best one for me."

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