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Jude and Zero walk into the arena hand in hand. At first holding hands felt strange to both men but after time it became second nature, it felt safe. Jude had helped Zero deal with his past and Zero had declared his love to him publicly so nothing felt off limits. It was a love they both craved and basked in. It was like their souls were destined and nothing could or no one could ever change that! That being said, it didn't mean they were immune to the challenges that insecurity brought upon them.

Kyle comes prancing through the hallway in that Southern Devil's girl way she usually does.
"Jude, right? She says coming to a holt. "The new EVP? I've been looking for you. Or should I call you Mr Kinkade?" she says in her heavy southern accent.
"Jude's fine," he replies warmly. "Kyle, right? Devil girl?"
"You do know your people." Kyle replies enthusiastically.
"I try to." Jude replies with a half smile.
"I'm Zero"
"I know who you are Boy. Christian, bad boy, Now you're sleeping with the boss! My my, you're a busy boy! Where do u find the time to play basketball?"
Zero gives her a half smile. He's not entirely sure if she's joking.
"Any hoo," she looks back over to Jude. "I just wanted to give you a message that Lionel asked me to pass on."
"Mr Whitner will be in town tomorrow to discuss the sale of the Devils and Lionel wants you to schmooze him or something like that. She emailed you the details. Bye boys!"
Kyle disappears down the corridor in the same flurry she came in. Jude watches her walk away and smiles to himself.
"Owen Whitner, CEO of League Enterprises, right?" Zero asks suspiciously.
"Yeah that's him," Jude replies nonchalantly.
"Playboy rich kid who along with his father built a billion dollar company?" Zero continues.
"So I've heard," Jude replies.
"Who also happens to be an openly Gay playboy rich kid!' Zero says emphasizing the word Gay.
"Calm down Zero, it's a business meeting," Jude replies in his calming level headed way.
"We use to have business meetings too, remember Jude? Some were in your bedroom, Now look at us?" Zero answers seriously.
"Goodbye Zero," Jude kisses his boyfriend on the lips and proceeds to his office ignoring the heated conversation which was beginning to fire up. "See you at home," Jude calls out as he continues to disappear down the hallway leaving Zero standing there feeling slightly frustrated.

"Mr Whitner," Jude begins.
"Please call me Owen, my father is Mr Whitner," the devilishly handsome, well dressed, intelligent man says to Jude.
"Owen," Jude says hesitantly, "The Kinkades have owned the Devils for over 20 years and we would like for it to continue that way," Jude says in his professional manner.
"Jude, do you always talk business?" Owen replies with an undeniable charm.
"Umm, usually, in business meetings I do." Jude replies awkwardly, confused as to where this conversation is headed.
"There's a bar in town I've heard so much about, let's go there tonight and we can talk more business... Or not," Owen says enthusiastically.
Zero walks into the restaurant for lunch with some of his team mates and over hears the unfolding conversation.
"Look, Mr Whitner," Jude says in an increasingly uncomfortable tone
"Owen," he interrupts
"Owen," Jude shifts uncomfortably in his chair, "I would prefer to settle this today over lunch, shouldn't take long."
"Tonight, Bar 9, I'll meet you there at 8," Owen insists. He winks at Jude. Jude becomes increasingly uncomfortable.
"Well this looks cosy," a familiar voice echoes from behind over the supposed intimate conversation.
Fuck, Jude thinks to himself, how much has he heard and how quickly will he blow it this of proportion.
"Hey Zero," Jude quickly intercepts, standing up to greet his boyfriend. "This is Owen Whitner, the CEO...."
"I know who he is," Zero interrupts aggressively. "Does he know who I am?" Zero says, bravado up.
Fuck, Jude thinks to himself knowing full well that Zero has heard some of the prior conversation.
"Who hasn't? You've had your fair share of press haven't you? Hardly a clean record hey Zero," Owen says half jokingly but well aware he's goading the athlete.
Zero doesn't see the humor.
Jude continues to stand with Zero. The air is rife with tension.
"Well, Zero you better get back to training," Jude interrupts eagerly
"Lunch break," he replies, not breaking eye contact with Owen. "Am I interrupting something?" Zero says with contempt
"Jude and I were just discussing plans to head to a bar tonight," Owen says eagerly to Zero. They were similar characters which made Jude even more nervous because of the apparent clash he could foresee happening.
Zero's jaw clenches and with that Jude knows that Zero is seething.
"For a business meeting," Jude reiterates nervously.
"Well I wouldn't want to impose, so have a fucking great night together," Zero asserts loudly and angrily.
Jude panics. Owen smiles devilishly. Zero storms out.

"Well, that was embarrassing!" Jude says as he places his brief case on the table after a very long, very painful day at work. "I managed to get Owen to agree to the terms of the agreement today. I think he got the point after your tantrum in the restaurant." Jude says dryly. 
Zero doesn't reply, he continues to watch TV on the lounge in his boxers only.
Jude takes off his jacket and tie and sits infront of the TV on the coffee table in Zero's line of sight.
"What was all that about today?" Jude asks calmly.
"You tell me, Jude," Zero replies angrily.
"It was a business meet..."
"He was not talking business Jude and you know it," Zero replies, his voice clearly latent with frustration
"And don't you think I could have handled him?" Jude replies frankly.
"Handled him, you seem to be basking In his attention," Zero replies angrily jumping off the couch.
"That's not fair," Jude replies calmly. "He is the CEO of the League and I was trying to be polite and diffuse the situation." Jude continues patiently, "Don't you trust me?"
Zero turns away from Jude. His insecurities becoming more and more apparent.
Jude walks over to where he is standing and turns him around to face him.
"Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?" Jude says lovingly.
Zero stares into the distance.
"He is everything you deserve," Zero says quietly, now staring at the ground not able to make eye contact with Jude. "Why would you want someone as screwed up as me?"
Jude lifts Zero head and kisses him lightly on the lips. "Because you Gideon, are the love of my life and being with you makes me the best version of myself. How could I ever want anyone else when I have you?" Jude says tenderly. "It's you stupid, it's always been you!"
Zero's face softens as he hears the words seep from his boyfriends mouth like cleansing water.
"And to be honest, he is a self righteous, egotistical spoiled brat!" Jude says smiling. Zero smiles too and his fears and doubts dissipate slowly as Jude kisses his mouth and holds him close. At that moment, he hopes, he is enough for Jude.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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