:。・:*:・゚'★,。・ 010

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you sat in your last class for today, wondering when you'd be able to leave the hell hole you were currently in.

when you heard a soft buzz, you took your phone out of your blazer's pocket and you opened unlocked it. immediately checking if it was your mom maybe texting you.

when you went to your instagram you saw you had a DM, it was from ochako. your first thought was it had something to do with what she said the other day.

after your short conversation with her, and finding out where the two of you would meet up to 'talk' you just about ready to give up on life.


when you walked into the cafe you saw uraraka sitting a few tables away from the door, so you walked over and sat down, lowkey sighing.

"alright i'm here, what do you want" you said making yourself comfortable in the chair

immediately she smile she had on her face fell to a scowl as she glared at you

"alright im going to get straight to the point, you're dating izuku. enjoy it while you can because it won't last long, i've known him since middle school and he doesn't stay with one girl for long.

he breaks up with them r he found out they cheated and he comes back to me. every. single. time. " she started, already you were bored with this conversation

"so hold on to him while you can y/n l/n because he sure as hell won't be yours for long" she finished.

with that she got up from her seat and left the cafe, leaving you alone there with your thoughts.


after going to walmart for a few snacks, you went back home, immediately going back to your home so you could start binging on 90's romance movies, while doing face masks so you could for get about all the nonsense uraraka said.

at least that was your plan until momo burst in your room with mina and kyoka pulling you up from your bed and dragging you over to your closet.

when you asked what was going on and they told you there was a party, you decided you could use that as a distraction.

a distraction so that you could stop worrying about your silly thoughts.


this is part one of the double update.
hope you enjoyed!

much love,
the author🖤

much love, the author🖤

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