Timothee Chalamet - Little Miss distraction

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Originally By Lil Timmy Tim

You loved Tim's Mom, you really did. She was sweet, and probably one of the kindest people you've ever met. But at this moment, you weren't thinking about how kind his Mother was. You weren't thinking about how delicious the food at this restaurant was. You were thinking about how goddamn good those necklaces looked on Timothee. You were thinking about him pushing those long fingers into you until you're gushing all over the mattress. You were thinking about his big, throbbing cock he was currently hiding inside his jeans. You felt the dull aching between your thighs as you did your best to focus on whatever Nicole was talking about. Timmy smiled fondly at his Mother as she gushed about a Broadway musical she went to see. Watching his lips curl up into a smile you imagined his head between your thighs, his tongue toying with your clit. You feel a gush of wetness dampen your panties, this is not the place for this.
"Baby?" Tim asks as both him and Nicole's eyes are on you. Shit. They must have said something to you but because you're too busy drooling over Tim's cock you have no clue what it was. You flushed under the attention, "sorry must have just spaced out." You cover with a smile and while your lie was convincing enough for Nicole, Timothee eyed you. He noticed your flushed cheeks, and the way you squeezed your thighs together underneath the table. "How have things been at home without Timmy?" Nicole repeats her question with a smile on her face. You plaster a smile on your face as you subtly reach under the table to place a hand on Tim's thigh. His jaw clenches slightly as his hand covers yours, he knows what you're going to do next and he doesn't feel like blowing his load while his Mother sat across from him.
"Yeah, I practically ache for him when he's gone." You tell her and she covers your hand on the table with hers. Nicole probably thinks you mean your heart aches when he's gone, and while that's true you also experience a much different aching in Timothee's absence. Tim sucks a small breath in through his teeth at your words, feeling tingles shooting down towards his southern region. Nicole launches into a speech about how wonderful you are for sticking by Tim, while you inch your hand up his thigh- and closer to his beautiful cock. You nod along as Nicole continues to talk, and your fingers curl around his hardening cock through his jeans. Tim's knee bumps the table as you squeeze him, "you alright Timmy?" His Mother asks and he raises his brows in a casual manner before clearing his throat. "Mm yeah I'm good." He says and she eyes him for a moment before turning back to you.
You can see the pleading look in his eyes, but you're not sure if he's pleading you to keep going or to stop. You choose to believe he's begging you to continue as you begin to rub him through his jeans. Tim's hands fold together tightly on the table as he focuses his eyes straight ahead- doing his best to bite back a groan. "You know I'm sure you get lonely when Tim's not around, must be hard to wander that house all by yourself." Nicole comments and you grip him tighter, feeling his cock grow harder and harder against your hand. You nod, "yeah it's really hard being there without him. I have to find various ways of occupying myself when he's too far away." You tell Nicole who nods along with your words, but Tim momentarily squeezes his eyes shut. You slowly unbutton his jeans and his entire body tenses, if he feels your hand on his cock he's going to explode. "Tim honey you're sweating. Are you feeling alright?" Nicole asks her son again. Tim nods as casually as he can, his heels digging into his chair. "Yeah yeah, just a little warm in here." He breathes, and you have to bite back a giggle at how flushed his cheeks are.
"You look feverish." She fusses, and Tim waves his hand as you slowly pull the zipper down and he knows you're moments away from dipping your hand into his boxers and pulling out his cock. "I'm okay Mom really." He insists and sure enough your hand wraps around his throbbing member, slowly pulling him out of his pants. Luckily the tablecloth conceals this to the other patrons, you doubt they'd enjoy seeing his cock as much as you would right now. You begin to slowly and teasingly stroke him, rubbing your thumb over the slit on the head. Tim begins to groan but covers it with a cough, his hand gripping the edge of the table tightly. Nicole dives into a conversation about some new cutlery Tim purchased her, praising how nice they are. You squeeze him lightly at the base and you see Timothee let you a strained breath. 
The way your fingers are stroking him so gently is driving him crazy, all he can think about right now is removing those tight little jeans of yours and taking you right over this damn dinner table. When Nicole excuses herself to use the restroom, Tim is yanking your hand off of him. "You tryna make me come right at this table babygirl? Hm? You wanna see how long it takes before I make a mess?" Tim whispers hotly in your ear and you feel shivers run down your spine. You subtly rub your thighs together as Tim trails his hand up your outer thigh. "You wanna be punished when we get home baby? Is that it? You want me to punish you?" Timothee groans into your ear, casually leaning back in his chair when Nicole returns to the table. The throbbing between your legs is unbearable but you doubt Timmy will let you come anytime soon tonight, his punishments usually involve a lot of teasing. Checking her watch, Nicole bids you a goodnight and exits the restaurant, Tim already offered to pay the bill. He's so sweet to his Mother, and for some sick reason it only makes you hotter for him.
Timothee grips your hand tightly as he pulls you out of the restaurant and towards the car. "You were a very bad girl." He hums lowly as you near the car. You shiver in excitement, you love it when he gets like this, all controlling and dominating. Once you're sat in the car Tim reaches into the middle console, digging around until he finds what he's looking for. In his hand is a small vibrator, and your cheeks flush when you see it. "You want me to punish you hm? Then slide this in your little pussy and don't come the whole way home." Timothee orders, and you shakily take the vibrator from him. You unbutton your jeans and take the vibrator, pushing it into your soaking pussy. Tim holds the remote in his hands and turns it on to the lowest setting. Once the vibrator is nestled all the way inside you, Timmy reaches over and buttons your jeans before reversing out of the parking spot. You immediately throw your head back against the seat, whining softly as the vibrations run through you.
Timothee drives incredibly casually, one hand resting lazily on the steering wheel while the other holds the remote. He gives no indication of being turned on and if you didn't see his cock throbbing through his jeans, you'd think he wasn't affected by this at all. When the car rolls to a stop at a red light, Timmy turns the vibrator up all the way and you cry out. Your back is arching into nothing as the vibrations cause your underwear to rub at your swollen clit. You moan as your fingers grip the leather of the seat, "God Timmy, I'm sorry baby I'm sorry please let me come!" You beg but he hums with a smile on his face before turning the vibrator all the way back down. You release a frustrated cry as you continue to writhe in the seat. You know you asked for this, you know you deserve all his teasing but damn you just want to come. "Mm not home yet baby, can't come yet." Timmy hums, a satisfied smile creeping onto his face.
You gasp softly as he turns it up to the medium strength and you do your best to reach over for him. When your hand nears his arm he pulls away, "only good girls get what they want baby." Timothee scolds and you groan, tears of sexual frustration prickling at your eyes. He turns into your neighborhood, and doesn't go a single mile over the 25 mph speed limit. "You nearly made me come all over myself with your hands baby, there were people around. That's not something a good girl does." Timothee says, his voice low and commanding as he turns the vibrator back down. Your eyes are squeezed shut as tears roll down your cheeks, you attempt to grind your hips down against the seat but you still don't receive the friction you crave. You're stuck teetering on the edge, not getting enough to come but getting just enough so that the feeling never dies down. When Timothee shuts the car off in your garage, he turns the vibrator off.
You nearly burst into tears as he exits the car, and follow suit. Your arousal drips down your legs as you follow him inside. Once the door to the garage is shut and you're both standing in the kitchen- you eye the remote in his hands. Timmy slowly places his keys on the hook, and slides his shoes off. He moves leisurely about the kitchen, knowing that you're throbbing. "Baby please," You moan desperately, finally drawing his attention. Timmy turns to you with an amused smile on his face, "doesn't feel good does it babygirl? Being so close to coming, and then never being able to." He takes slow steps towards you, his eyes dark and dominating as he burns holes through you with his heated gaze. "That's what you did to me in the restaurant." Tim says softly, his lips mere millimetres from your own. Tears are still building in your eyes, you need to come so bad. "Baby, I'm sorry I teased you. I'll make you come however many times you want I promise, just please touch me." You cry, tears dripping down your cheeks as the throbbing beings to ache more and more.
Tim hums with a smile on his face, "you're damn right you're gonna make me come. Now get on your knees for me babygirl." He whispers in your ear and you immediately drop to your knees in front of him, willing to do anything to get him to touch you. Your fingers shakily pop open the button of his jeans as he leans back against the counter, his hands gripping the edge. You yank his jeans and boxers down, revealing his beautiful cock as it slaps against his stomach. When it comes to pleasure, Timothee is the boss and you wouldn't have it any other way. You take him in your mouth and he groans, his head falling back. You take him as far as you can, covering the rest of his hard cock with your hand. "God you fucking suck me off so good baby," Tim groans, his hand winding in your hair. He pulls his bottom lip with his teeth as he uses his hand to push you down on him harder. Reaching his hand back to the counter, he switches the vibrator on and you whine, his cock still in your mouth.
You moan as you continue to slide your lips down his cock. The vibrations of you moaning against him releases a string of curses under his breath. Tim pushes your head so far down him that you gag, and saliva dribbles down your chin. You feel his hips jerking just as your own thighs begin to shake and just as he comes in your mouth, he switches the vibrator off- leaving you hanging again. You swallow every drop of his come as you look up at him with tear stained cheeks. "You look so good like this baby, on your knees in front of me and crying for my cock." Timothee hums as he leans back against the counter, trying to catch his breath. Tim strokes a hand through your hair before yanking his jeans back up and walking past you. Your core is burning with need as you stand to helplessly follow him up the stairs like a lost puppy.
You follow him to your shared bedroom, the vibrator slipping out of your pussy due to how slick you are. You pull it out and toss it on the bed as Timmy strolls into the closet. "Timmy," You cry in need, unable to stop the tears of frustration as they flow down your cheeks. "Hm?" He hums in response from inside the walk in closet. You rub your thighs together, strongly resisting the urge to reach down and touch yourself. You know if you do that without his permission he definitely won't let you come tonight. "I've learned my lesson I promise, now please please make me come." You sob, watching with teary eyes as he emerges from the closet in only his tight black boxer briefs. "You think you've learned your lesson baby?" He coos in a gently voice, reaching up to cup your cheek. You nod instantly, your hands reaching up to grab at his shoulders. "So when we're out, and you get needy for my cock what are you gonna do hm?" He asks, his eyebrow cocked as he strokes your cheek with his thumb.
"I'm gonna wait Timmy, I'll wait until we get home." You cry out desperately, and when you see the smile slide onto his face you nearly faint from relief. "That's my good girl," He growls before pushing you back on the bed. He reaches for the hem of your shirt, before ripping it up and over your head. Timothee releases the clasp of your bras and your sore nipples immediately spring free, and he smiles in delight. "You're so ready for me baby." He whispers before taking a nipple into his mouth. You cry out, happy to be getting some relief. Timmy takes your nipple in between his teeth before biting softly, and you reach up to grab at his hair. "M-more baby more," You gasp and he obliges, kissing down your abdomen. Your entire body feels like it's been set on fire as Timmy yanks your jeans down your legs and off your ankles. When he spreads your legs he sees the wet mess between your thighs and bites his lip, "you're so wet baby. Did I tease you too much?" He asks playfully as you wriggle your hips towards his face.
Wrapping his arms around your thighs he presses a light kiss to your clit, sending a jolt of pleasure shooting through your body. Just the simple action has you crying into the pillow and Timmy knows he's got you right where he wants you. Suddenly he flattens his tongue over you, licking a long line from your entrance to your clit. You cry out again, feeling lightheaded as your fists squeeze the sheets tightly. Moans are spilling from your mouth and when he slides 2 digits into your slick opening, you know it won't be long before you're coming. "Please don't stop baby please please." You plead, the word 'please' rolling off your lips as he thrusts his fingers into you, his tongue toying at your clit. When Timmy nips at your clit and roughly thrusts his fingers into you, you explode around his fingers. Your body convulses, and you cry out loudly, this time tears of relief cascading down your cheeks. Timothee hovers over you, with a sweet smile on his face.
"Y-Your cock baby, give me your cock." You plead again, that burning desire still slightly throbbing between your thighs. Timmy doesn't need to be asked twice as he kicks his boxers off and presses his head into your lips. He drags his cock over your clit and you dig your nails into his back, "baby!" You cry out, having had enough of his teasing tonight. Tim chuckles darkly as he slams into you, a broken groan leaving his lips. He begins to fuck into you at an ungodly pace and you cling to him, moans and desperate cries leaving your lips. Tim's lips find your neck and bite at the skin there as he continues to snap his hips into yours and every time his pelvis connects with yours, you're seeing stars. "Baby please don't stop!" You cry out, your breasts bouncing with every harsh thrust into you. Tim feels you beginning to squeeze him tighter, and he moans deeply before reaching down to thumb your clit. "Fuck, come around me baby. Come around my cock." He gasps, breathless and as soon as the words leave his mouth you're coming again. White spots explode behind your eyes as you gush around him so hard you don't even realize he's emptying his load into you.
Your body shakes and trembles as Timmy gently fucks you through your orgasm, both of your bodies covered in a sheen layer of sweat. Your hands stay wrapped securely around his back as your heart races in your chest. You wince as he pulls out, already wishing to be filled by his cock again. "Don't tease me." Tim hums as he pulls you over to lay on his chest. You giggle as you press a kiss to his shoulder, "I'm going to tease you all the damn time if it means you'll fuck me like that." You retort and you can practically feel his eye roll.
"Baby you drive me crazy." He groans before rolling over you again, and you know he means it- and you love it.

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