Story 1

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DP is a tax manager, who currently owns half of the money of Writer's Community simply by taxing them outrageous amounts of money. One day the IRS comes to arrest DP, but he wouldn't let his story end here. This is a story about how DP attempts to fight the IRS.

The Taxman (Taxing)

"I'm sorry, what?" says DP. "Why would I pay my taxes to you when I already have money?"

"Because it's your duty as an American citizen," replies the tax officer. "And we're going to take that money from you whether you like it or not."

"Oh, really? How much do you think you'll get this year?"

"We can't tell you until after the audit."

"Really? That's awfully convenient for you."

"Well, we might want to go over some details with you first..."

"Sure, sure. You can go ahead and call me later tonight. I just need to make one quick stop at the bank before we leave."

"What are you doing?" asks the tax man.

"Just making a deposit into my own account," says DP. "It's only fair, right?"

"But you don't even work there!"

"Doesn't mean I can't have a little fun now and then, does it?"

"You're under arrest!

DP begins to rob the bank in front of the irs officers.

There's an explosion. There's smoke everywhere. It looks like DP blew up the whole damn bank. The tax man jumps back in horror.

"That was close," says DP. He turns around to look at the IRS men. They were both dead. "Let's go."

The men wake up the next morning with no memory of what happened last night. But they know they're alive because their hearts keep beating. Their brains are functioning normally too. As they walk out of the building, they hear a familiar voice coming from a nearby alley.

"Hey, guys," calls DP. "Want to come back to my place for breakfast?"

"No thanks," say the two IRS agents. "We'd rather be somewhere else."

"Well, I guess that's that," says DP. "See you later, boys."

As they leave the alley behind them, the agents see a pile of money scattered all over the ground. On top of the pile are three gold coins and a small note:

 To DP - Remember to pay your taxes. The IRS will find you...

There's an explosion. There's smoke everywhere.

The IRS Agents remembered what happened, What crimes DP committed, They quickly turned around and went to arrest DP.

This is a story about how DP attempts to escape the IRS.

All the FBI did was run after him; It was a game of cat-and-mouse between DP and the FBI for several months. Eventually, however, DP figured out how to evade capture forever. Now he's got the money and the power to do whatever he wants.

This is a story about how DP continues to stay rich.

One day, DP finds himself in a new city. He's having trouble finding any jobs, so he decides to open a business. He starts up a diner called Breakfast at DP's.

After a few days of running the diner, DP notices something strange happening all around him. People kept coming into his diner, paying a lot of money for a single meal, and walking out again without ever eating anything.

"People are stealing food from my restaurant," says DP. "What should I do?"

The FBI shows up.

"Just ignore it," replies the agent. "They'll eventually get hungry enough to eat something."

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