Palm to chest pt. 1

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Author: moonboymin 


he cannot, for the life of him, figure out what jungkook is doing.

(in which jungkook becomes very clingy overnight and jimin has no idea what to do with it.)

songs in this chapter, in chronological order:
obey - bring me the horizon
can you feel my heart - bring me the horizon
butterfly (prologue mix) - bts

he cannot, for the life of him, figure out what jungkook is doing.

it started two weeks ago. two weeks ago, after a particularly grueling round of midterms, and he'd brought jungkook coffee to share and new music they could share too. a simple afternoon, one of many, and then he'd gone home. he'd done nothing different.

and now here they were— at their weekly sunday dinner at seokjin's, watching the chaos unfold in the kitchen, sat on the counter together. and jungkook is being a bitch.

"but hyung," he teases, "how are you meant to know if you don't like metal if you've never given it a chance? maybe metal is like, a long-lost lover— or, " he adds, brightening, "a long-lost brother, like a soulmate, that you've just got to reconnect with. like souls tangled together over time, something very poetic i'm sure. maybe it'll just click. maybe you'll hear bells."

"what the fuck are you talking about," he mumbles into his glass of wine, and jungkook wilts, a little. jimin glances at him. "bells?" he prompts, because as much as jungkook is on his nerves, he doesn't like to see him wilt.

jungkook perks up again. it's a little fascinating, how easily jimin's words can do that— he's never really noticed it before, but all it took was a sentence for jungkook to deflate, a word for him to inflate again. he wonders if that happens with his other hyungs, too. he imagines namjoon would have a similar effect. jungkook looks at namjoon like he's the world, and jimin can't place why it makes him feel funny inside. it's fine.

"yeah, bells," jungkook nods. "like in the movie your name . i'm a real romantic, hyung, don't you know?"

he leans close, chin digging into jimin's shoulder. jimin clenches his jaw and tries not to let the annoyance fall into his brow, lips, the same way it's falling falling in his chest. it's too loud in here, jungkook is too close and talking too much, and he wants peace and quiet and wine. instead he's talking about bells. he's got calculus homework to finish when he gets home.

"i know," he settles for saying, and drains the rest of his wine. "i'm going to the bathroom."

"hyungggg," jungkook whines, wrapping a hand around his wrist before he can even move to slide off the counter. "no, stay with me, i just got here. the only reason i'm not cooking is cause i'm talking to you."

"cook, then," jimin throws back at him, annoyance falling steadily into the furrow of his brow as he tugs his wrist away. "i need to pee."

jungkook wilts a little, and jimin doesn't have it in him to perk him back up again. he's so tired.

he spends a while in the bathroom, running his hands over his face and trying not to feel like a middle-aged man when he does. he's got a pounding headache building just behind his temples, which doesn't bode well for his calculus homework.

"jimin-ah," comes hoseok's voice from behind the door. "you done in there? dinner's almost ready and i need to free up room for like, thirteen more bottles of wine."

jimin snorts, shakes his head at the idea of hoseok somehow pissing out enough liquid to make up for roughly two and a half gallons of wine. "yeah," he calls back. "just gimme a sec, won't hog it for much longer."

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