Chapter One Looking For Her

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Blake's Prov

According to humans if we don't find our mate within a certain amount of time we go on killing sprees. Some of us have belongings or slaves if we don't find our mates, but I'm set on finding mine. I've lately had this urge to go to a town called Primrose. I think that I just might find her there then bring her home with me. I may look 20 something to most people, but really I'm 924 years old.

"Blake stop your day dreaming amd focus!" My older brother snapped at me. "Drain I'm feeling lucky." I said as a smile spreed across my lips. Drain raised a questioning eyebrow at me. "Let me guess your going to try hunting for her or a him again?" Drain said with sarcasm. "I have this feeling that I will find her this time brother." I said. He sighed and looked at me like this is the last time I'm helping you search. So it was settled we are heading for Primrose.

On our private jet we got there around three or four hours. Feeling anxious and barely containing my happiness, I about fell dow the jet steps. Drain laughed and nearly fell like I had, so who gets the last laugh now. Both of us are known as mercyless and strongest vampires in the world. Some humans say they we are evil vile creatures yet if they hate us so much then why talk shit, bitches your all fans admit it.

"Blake if she is human your going to have to show her who is boss or she'll run when ever she gets the chance." Drain warned me. "Drain she can't get away from me even if she is one of us." I said back. We rented a 2016 Jaguar for our time here while we looked. What didn't come to mind till now it that there is no back seat. Oh well I'll just hold my angel close.

Driving down the country scenic route I caught scent of the most adictive smell ever. Further up the road was a white two story house and big red barn behind it. Drain noticed my sudden interest and pulled into the drive way their was a lady in her late 30's and a elderly couple. The sweet scent was strongest on the late 30's lady so I went to her for answers.

"VAMPIRE!!" The lady screamed and the elderly couple looked up so I silenced the lady after she screamed. Then went after the elderly couple. That's when the owner of the scent appeared and scolded me. She looked young maybe around the age 16 or 17. Grinning at her only scared her a little but she didn't show very much but her heart says different.

Using my vampire speed I zoomed in front of her. Her blue eyes looked into mine rich brown ones. Her perfectly redish pink lips were moving but I didn't hear anything she said. "MINE!!" I yelled at her. She gave a a funny look then walked away from me. I growled menacingly and went after her.

Wrapping my arms around her frigil body I could feel her tense. "You have two seconds to get off of me." She threatened me. It is so cute watching her fight against me, but I'll have to break her out of it. "Hahahaha little one what can you possibly do?" I whispered in her ear mockingly. Knocking her out was easy but the elderly couple got mad but didn't get the chance to come at me when I used vampire speed to get to the car and drive off.

"Is this her Blake?" Drain asked looking over at me and her. Touching her skin sparks and tingles erupted. "Yes brother it has been confirmed. "Good and remember what I said." Drain reminded me. Yes I know but right now I'm not going to be to hard on her unless I see it necessary.

Driving back to our private jet Drian told me to wait for him while he took the rental car back. Which left me on the jet with just my little angel. She squirmed around in my arms till her eyes shot open. Her fist connected with my face. For a human she can hit pretty hard. She tried running away from me but failed. Pulling her underneath me she immediately tensed and her heart rate spiked. Fear writen all over her sweet innocent face.

"I'm not going to hurt you little one." I said gently to her. "Get off of me." She said lowly. "Only if you promise not to run from me again." I said looking down into her luring eyes. She nodded so I got off of her but didn't leave her side. "Your mine now little one. And don't worry about the elderly couple their fine." I said looking at her.

"You bastered!" She yelled an came at me. Before dhe threw the punch I was behind her. "Not nice to hit your soon to be husband little one." I said into her ear. Lifting her up I sat down with her on my lap and held her there. "I see you two are getting along quite well." Drain said. "You missed the fun part." I said sarcastically.

My mate keeps trying to run away put the crazy girl gave me no choice but to lay on her. She tried jumping out of the jet which scared the shit out of me. She faught an faught with me till she fell asleep. Her soft even breathing lulled both my brother and I to sleep.

Waking up I noticed that she is gone looks like I have no choice but to punish her. Getting up I followed her scent to the jet door. Of course she runs away when the jet lands an we're out like logs great just great. To say I am beyond pissed is a huge understatement. Now that I'm searching for her again might as well have some fun with her.

Ring Ring Ring! My phone goes off and it's my brother. "I'm busy Drain." I said i to the phone. "I called to let you know that I found her. An the Blood Knight pack is here as well." Drain said through tdhe phone. Instead of being mad at her now I'm scared for her well being. Werewolves can be vicious and cruel. "Where are you at brother?!" I asked panicky. "Red Lobster dude." He replied before hanging up.

The Blood Knight pack are after us because we have their alpha in our cells. If they get their grubby hands on my mate I'm going to flip shit. Using vampire speed I got their less then five minutes. Once by my brother he pointed her and the Blood Knight pack out. "Oh shit. This got much harder." I whispered.

Picture of Blake in media box

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