|| { Chapter 1 } ||

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It's a rainy day ,people are rushing on  the street with their umbrellas. "Oh the rains getting pretty heavy ,i should hurry back" Shu said to himself as he holds the umbrella with hir right hand and groceries on the other. As of the rain getting heavier Shu decides to take a short  cut to get home faster.


S͜͡h͜͡u͜͡'s͜͡ P͜͡O͜͡V͜͡

"The city's chaotic at night da da da bi dado~ " i stopped singing ,when i hear some rummaging from the near by bin ,the something crawls out. I came a bit closer to see a small drenched bunny. it starts to shiver in fear as i came closer.

"Don't be scared ,i won't harm you"  i said as i put my hand out as it sniff my hand. after the bunny calmed down ,it finally let me pet it and as i pet it i hear a little grumble ,so cute.

"You're hungry huh. Come with me ,we have lots of food at my house" i said and scoped the baby bunny in my arms. 


{ A/n : In this story all the EN members live in a big mansion that are close to each other ,like Lazulight mansion is next to Obsydia's and so on...}

Shu finally reached his reached Home/Luxiem mansion. He opened the door "Shu you're back !" said a cheerful mafia Luca Kaneshiro one of his gen mates running to greet him by the door. he stopped when he saw something on Shu's arms ,he look onto Shu's eyes and tilted his head confusedly.

Noticing Luca's action he holds the bunny and shows it to the Mafia "I found ,this little bunny near the trash bin ,it looked hungry so i decided to take it with me" said Shu. Luca takes a good look of the bunny "Bunny POG ( ✪ ω ✪ )" 

"What's pog ?" a voice asked behind Luca "Ikey ,look Shu found a bunny" Luca answers the Novelist Ike Eveland another one of his gen mates. "That's nice ,i'll be going to Ethyria's house to help Reimu-senpai for her cover. Don't forget to tell Vox to cook dinner" said the novelist before leaving. 

"hey Luca ,Shu" said someone with a cockney accent "Hey Mysta" the two greeted their gen mate Mysta Rias a 'genius' detective. "Mysta ,Luca can you watch over this bunny for a bit i have to put these groceries in the kitchen" said Shu as he carefully hands the bunny to Mysta.


Mysta and Luca put the baby bunny on top of a fluffy blanket. the two chat as they watch over bunny who is slowly falling asleep. 

After a while Shu came back and sits in the couch joining the two's conversation "Well well well... what do we have here" says a deep voice from the one and only Vox Akuma the voice demon gaining the sorcerer ,mafia and detectives attention. "Looks like we're eating bunny stew " Vox said with a grin.

The bunny stiffen up and jumps to Shu's lap ,making the demon burst into a chuckle "That one smart bunny ,where did you get it ?"  Vox asked Shu "I found it on my way home" answered the sorcerer with a smile.

Vox : "So What do you guys want for dinner ?" 

Luca : "I want meat"

Vox : "How about burgers"

Shu : "I'm down ,can you also prepare some lettuce and carrots in a small plate for the bunny"

Mysta : "Don't put anything on mine just the burger and buns"

Vox : "Got it ,anything else ?"

Luca : "no tomatoes please"

Vox gives him an ok sign and starts to cook in the kitchen. "Burgers for dinner" Vox says as he serve the food to everyone's plate "And veggies for the bunny" with that all of them starts digging in.


After eating ,Shu carries bunny with him to his room. He lied the bunny beside him on his bed and pets the fluffy creature "Y/n...sounds nice ,i'll name you Y/n" Shu said as his eyes slowly closes.

As the sorcerer sleeps ,little purple sparks starts to fall like snow onto the sleeping bunny.  

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