Invitation. Chapter One:

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        It all started during the spring time, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom and the city was at peace. People were allowed to walk the streets knowing that there would be no more villain attacks at least for now that is. One bright sunny day at the U.A staff room there was mail for a certain teacher. " Hey Eraser there's mail for you! " Called out principal Nezu. 

A slightly tall man dressed out in black walked towards the tiny white mouse and grabbed the note. " Thanks. " Returned Eraser as he was fixing his long charcoal black wavy hair by brushing it off to the side of his face so that he could read the letter that was given to him. 

He took a close look at the letter before opening it trying to see if it was legit or not. The letter was sealed up in a beige colored envelope with a red ink print smack down in the middle sealing it away. 

The red ink print also seemed to have been engraved with some kind of letter that he could not read so well due to the fact that he didn't get a good of a nights rest. Eraser rubbed his dried up exhausted eyes and groaned thinking that it was a prank from one of his students. 

He carefully started to open up the envelope slowly trying not to rip it open and reach into it to feel a slightly thin piece of paper. Eraser thought to himself. " Man what kind of prank is this? Whoever did this they really stepped up their game. " He then opened up the neatly folded paper ready to see what his students wrote on the page.

 However instead of a silly joke written on it, it was an invitation to the most exclusive hero gala that was hosted every three years by the city as a thank you to the pro-heroes for saving their lives on mutable actions. 

Eraser's friend leaned his chair over to sneak a peek at his mail. Once taking note of what it was the tall man wearing yellow shades said. " Ooh so you were invited to Shota? Man that's great!  It'll be fun going there and finally seeing a familiar face won't it? " 

Shota another wise known as Eraser crinkled up the paper and threw it away immediately. Just to think of going to a social gathering of people made Shota's brain whirl. Shota wasn't the type of person to go to gatherings let alone parties. At the end of everyday he would just go home and sleep with all  the lights off in his apartment and let little to no sunlight in even though it was mere daylight.   

 After he threw the piece of paper away he glared at his friend in a merciless way and said. " I don't do galas, you know this Hazashi. " Hazashi went to the trash can and picked up the wrinkled paper and tried to smooth it out the best he could. Good thing that there were not many wrinkles in it. " Aw, come on Shota stop being such a buzz-kill all the time. Live a little. I think some sunlight is good once in a while for you. " He smiled and gave two gun finger points to his friend who was slouching down on the sofa. 

" Leave me alone. "

 He wanted to say but he didn't because he was right he hasn't gone out of his apartment ever since he was a teenager. Either way he didn't want to admit defeat and kept on with the same argument until someone entered the room. 

They both heard two clicks and a woman with red glasses hair dark as a purple night sky wearing a white suit came in and saw them staring at her. At this rate why stop the conversation and get another person's approval. 

With that in mind Hazashi ran straight towards his co-worker with puppy dog eyes hiding beneath his yellow shades. " Midnight don't you think that this guy right here would have the time of his life at one of the most exclusive parties of the year? " Asked Hazashi as he was elbowing his fellow co-worker. 

 Midnight looked at Shota and grinned. " Of course why wouldn't he? After all everyone is expecting him to be there considering that he is one of the most popular heroes of this year. " The fellow hero giggled at this. " See even she agrees. " Returned Hazashi while he was pointing at Midnight.

" Now hold on a second just because-- " 

" I agree, whether you like it or not Aizawa you need to go to the gala it is mandatory this year. " Interrupted principal Nezu with his paws in the air. " Ha! See Shota you can't escape it this year! ...Uh, actually why is it mandatory this year anyway? " Asked Hazashi as he was scratching his head in confusion.

 " Good question Present Mic, the reason why it's mandatory this year is because due to the circumstances with the whole traitor incident we don't want anybody getting past our guard. So yes, you can have fun doing whatever may please you however we must ask some of the teachers in U.A to be on the look out for some mischievous behavior. Think of it being on duty just keep it down low most of the other pro-heroes don't know about the traitor to U.A. understand? "      

" Sure thing Nezu! We got this! " Ensured Present Mic with a big grin on his face while the others nodded along. " When is the gala? " Asked Midnight. " It will be next week on Friday night. Oh! And I forgot to say this before you can bring a plus one if you would like. " Added on the principal without a care in the world. Shota cringed at the thought of bringing someone along with him. 

If it was mandatory then he would just be staying outside like a body guard keeping watch or something like that. Even though he knows that one way or another Mic would just drag him inside and immediately get wasted and pass out near a tree. 

" This is going to be the worst night ever isn't it?  "  He thought to himself as he was walking out of the room holding the invitation that Hazashi gave to him. He sighed. " Well, I can't think about that now. " 

He made his way to his classroom before all of his students walked in at the dismissal bell before lunch ended and put the opened envelop with the slightly less wrinkled invitation in one of his spare dowers keeping it away from others.   

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